Community and sustainability

ISG manages sustainability and environmental requirements by implementing a certified Environmental Management System that meets the ISO14001:2015 standard with tools that directly manage our sustainability performance on site. Our project sustainability strategy focuses on the following themes.

People and community

Careers in construction

Resource efficiency and sustainability innovation

Caring for the environment and promoting best practice

People and community

We understand that people in the community tread with concern around construction in their neighbourhood. Our ethos is to ensure that during our time-on-site, we are a considerate neighbour and respect any concerns that are raised. We want our community to be better off and impacted positively from having known us.

We have already started to engage with local organisations and charities to understand their work and importance in the community. We have a volunteering programme where all of our staff will be undertaking various activities to support.

Recent activities include gardening support at the Calthorpe Community Gardens and collecting to donate towards their food bank services. To help people in the community who feel isolated during the pandemic, we also arranged for laptops to be delivered to help them access Zoom calls.

More recently we arranged for the donation of brand new Hasbro games to both the Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity and the Calthorpe Community Gardens.

Getjar and ISG pave the way to success for AgeUK Camden

Getjar, through their connections with ISG have been able to work with AgeUK Camden to provide some much-needed repairs to the centre garden. The centre on Cromer Street in King’s Cross was in dire need of help after a tradesperson had left them with a half-finished poorly constructed path and wall leading down to the centre.

The relationship began between ISG and AgeUK began around two years ago, when ISG were looking to work with local charities in the area whilst building the state-of-the-art Institute of Neurology (IoN) on Gray’s Inn Road. Partnering with AgeUK was an easy choice as the charity work with those that are affected by the neurological issues that, once built, the Institute of Neurology on Gray’s Inn Road will be looking to cure.

During the Covid-19 lockdown Abul Choudhury, Centre Manager of AgeUK Camden, was at the forefront of delivering food and medicine to roughly 10,000 people whilst the UK was shut down. Continuing to work tirelessly with his team during this time, to make sure the members of the centre were not left without valuable supplies. Unfortunately, after all of this wonderful and selfless work, the centre was not rewarded with the kindness of strangers. Abul worked hard to acquire donations for a tradesperson to build a new path and wall down from the road to the centre, after it became unsuitable for wheelchair use. But the tradesperson left the wall in a worse state than when they arrived, leaving Abul in a desperate situation that ended in him attempting to patch the wall and path together himself.

When the wall was coming apart Abul “didn’t know where to start” – enter Getjar. With the world being such a small place, Anna Clarke (Project Manager for Getjar working on IoN) actually has a close tie to the centre through the board of trustees and this led to Anna visiting the centre along with ISG. Anna quickly rallied some of the builders from the IoN site to head down to AgeUK to rectify this situation, acquiring building materials through their supply chain for free. On the 11th May builders from Getjar began digging and did not stop until recently, to produce the path in the image above. Although they did not just create the path, they also produced a lovely pagoda area for the centres’ visitors to relax in during the summer and have plenty BBQ’s! Getjar also repaired the wall and the entrance area to the small park.

The work by Getjar has been fantastic and Abul insisted the money they have saved from construction costs will go a long way at an organisation like theirs.

Getjar, AgeUK and ISG are going to a BBQ to celebrate the construction of the new path and pagoda on the 1st July, which will be a great day to interact with those that are benefitting from all of the hard work put in by those involved. This BBQ will also hopefully see a visit from Labour leader and local MP Kier Starmer.

View the latest monthly community programme

Here at ISG, we want to ensure you are well informed on the site activities coming up. We have created the following community programmes as a means of communicating to you the upcoming works for the month ahead. Please see below the latest set of programmes for your information.

Careers in construction

If you are interested in a role in the construction industry, we have a number of opportunities, not only on this project, but across the UK. Please take a look at our careers page for more information.

If you are looking for an apprentice route into construction, we have an Apprenticeship Scheme which may be of interest.

We would also encourage you to reach out to the Kings Cross Construction Skills Centre to register for local support and access to local opportunities. We utilise their services along with our supply chain to hire project specific apprentices and local labour:

If you are unsure about construction as a route, we do also offer work experience and placement opportunities which can be designed to suit you. Please get in touch to find out more.

Resource efficiency and sustainability innovation

We have many processes in place to mitigate our impact on the environment. We recognise that global warming, resource depletion and pollution are global issues where we all have a part to play. We have been conducting work recently to understand our carbon footprint and are putting plans in place to reduce this as much as we can.

Recently with the support of our supply chain, we were able to donate surplus dentistry chairs to charities overseas. This supports our ambitions to demonstrate a circularity approach and to prevent waste.

Caring for our environment and promoting best practice

One of our key focus areas is the protection of trees and gravestones along the boundary wall to St Andrew’s Gardens. We have set up a ‘construction exclusion zone’ around them, which prevents any construction activity from coming near them and the gravestones will also benefit from an additional protective layer. The zone also protects the root structure from being damaged. Both the trees and gravestones will be inspection throughout by a competent specialist.

Considerate Constructors Scheme

We are registered with the Considerate Constructors Scheme and have made a commitment to carry out our construction activity with the greatest care and consideration. We continue to review and implement the requirements of the scheme and recognise what it means to truly be a 'considerate constructor.'