Keynote Speakers

Nicholas Jackiw

Senior Research Scientist, SRI InternationalLead Software Designer, Tangible Mathematics Project, Simon Fraser University

The Geometer's Sketchpad

Jackiw received the 2018 ISDDE Prize for Excellence in Educational Design for his work on The Geometer’s Sketchpad, a family of software products that pioneered a new form of manipulable, and interactively responsive, mathematical visualization that he and his colleagues named “Dynamic Geometry.” Following ISDDE tradition, he will give a keynote presentation at ISDDE 2019 about insights that can be drawn for today's educational design work based on his experiences with The Geometer's Sketchpad.

Jennifer Russell

LRDC Research Scientist, Associate Professor, Learning Sciences and Policy, University of PittsburghSenior Fellow, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching

Design for Continuous Improvement at Scale

For ambitious instruction to broadly reach learners in most need of the best instruction, educational designers must also attend to the ways in which reform is implemented at scale. In particular, attention needs to be given to the nested set of system actors, the structures and routines that support them, and the reform itself. New strategies for educational reform such as Networked Improvement Communities were created to enable deep reform across networks of schools. I will talk about challenges and design strategies associated with networked improvement drawing on examples of emerging networks.

Susan McKenney

Professor of Teacher Professionalization, School Development, and Educational TechnologyProgram Director of MSc Educational Science and TechnologyDirector of Pro-U, Teacher In-Service EducationUniversity of Twente

Productive Habits of Educational Designers

Educational designers create, redesign, develop, and curate the foundational objects that shape student learning: curricula, assessments, and teacher professional development. Through their powerful products, designers play a crucial role in shaping educational practice at scale. I will talk about educational designers, their productive habits of mind, and implications for the ISDDE community.