Submission Site:

Please upload your final camera-ready papers and posters in the abstract submission system. Use the same email account that you used to create your abstract. Open your abstract and scroll to the bottom. Click on the button that says "+ Add another resource" to upload the file for your paper or poster to your abstract. Finally, click on "Save". Please delete any previous versions.
** At this time, you may also make minor changes to your title and abstract to correct spelling and grammar, if needed. However, do not completely rewrite your abstract or your presentation may be rejected.

Please check your Speaker Profile!
Things to note:

Oral Presentation of Paper

20 minutes: 15 minutes presentation/speaking time + 5 minutes Q&A
Please discuss the key points of interest and important educational implications of your paper.

The morning of days 2 and 3 (Wednesday, September 13, and Thursday, September 14)
*Detailed schedule coming soon.

Presentation visuals:
Please make a PowerPoint/Keynote/slides to use during your presentation.

Please bring your own device and make sure that you have the necessary adapters.
*All projectors will have HDMI capabilities.

Key Dates: 

23 August: Camera-ready Paper Submission Deadline

Poster Presentation

90 minutes of Q&A and discussion

The first day (Tuesday, September 12) from 16:30-18:00
*You can hang up your poster from registration time at 13:00.

Poster size should be no larger than A0.
A0 or A1 is recommended. Your poster may be landscape or portrait.
*You need to print your poster yourself before you come. We cannot provide poster printing services.
*We will provide tape to attach posters to the wall and boards.

A couple of Japanese websites that offer printing services:
Printshop GRAP (has English site)
PrintPac (Japanese only site)
*We cannot make any guarantees about either of these companies.

Key Dates:
23 August: Camera-ready Poster Submission Deadline
*Please save your Poster as a PDF, and then please use the submission site and attach your poster to your abstract submission.

