Международно Общество за Качествена Медицина



A scientific international society of multi-medical specialties

Dedicated  to  lifelong  continuing medical  education

What is ISoQM?

In 2002, after the invitation of Dr Vidalis Athanasios, a group of physicians comming from different medical specialties and psychologists also from almost all the continents of the world, participated in the 1st World Congress on "QoL in Clinical Practice" (http://drvidalis.gr/qol-congress/προηγούμενα-συνέδρια) held in Sani Resort, Chalkidiki, Greece, for a scientific discussion towards a common goal, which was to improve the Quality of Life (QoL) of our patients.

The meeting’s aim was to make a valuable contribution towards the drafting of a coordinated overall practice, ranging from QoL measurements to Quality in our Medical Practice and to Health-related QoL of our patients.

With the leadership of Vidalis A. as President, the Society has grown through our biannual major International Conferences and other small scientific events.

In 2004, expert clinicians and researchers coming from different health disciplines participated in the 2nd World Congress on "QoL in Clinical Practice" held in Porto Carras Chalkidiki, Greece (http://drvidalis.gr/qol-congress/προηγούμενα-συνέδρια) . It aimed more at allowing scientists to present the most recent facts of their discipline in terms of diagnosis, medical researches and accurate application of newer methods and techniques, rather than focusing on QoL measurement instruments.

Since then, the swift in interest continued and essentially turned towards the quality of medical practice. Thus, the 3rd and 4th world congresses in 2006 and 2008 held in Macedonia Pallas hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece, (http://drvidalis.gr/qol-congress/προηγούμενα-συνέδρια)  focused on the global exchange of ideas on the latest developments and innovative medical findings and techniques in classical medical treatments that eventually could affect to the better the quality of life of our patients. 

These congresses were under the auspices of the “International Society of Quality of Life & Medical Practice (ISoQoL-MP)”, which was established and located in Thessaloniki, Greece since 2004.

In 2010, after a lot of discussions and deliberations the members of the “International Society of Quality of Life & Medical Practice (ISoQoL-MP)”, decided to set up a new independent International Society named “International Society of Quality Medicine (ISoQM)”.

These will be twin societies, each one with a slightly different orientation. Moreover, ISoQoL-MP will mainly focus on “QoL measurements of Quality of life, and Health-related QoL of our patients”,

        while ISoQM will focus on “Medical Clinical Practice” in order to be in accordance with our goal which was, is and will continue to be: “Good quality medical practice”.

This move was not the only major milestone of the Society. In 2011, following many discussions with the Board and our members and after an international ballot process, the office of the “INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF QUALITY MEDICINE (ISoQM)” (http://is-qm.eu) was established in Bulgaria. The above decision will minimize the possibility of confusion between the two societies, which could occur if they were based on the same country, since both societies are interested in ‘quality medicine’ issues, and ISoQoL-MP members professional background to a great extend, matches those of ISoQM.

Furthermore, if decided so, each major conference of both societies will focus –in rotation- on a different sector each time (examples include but are not limited to: CNS, Surgery, Internal Medicine, Laboratory and the Multidisciplinary Sector).

On the other hand, scientific events of limited duration and thematic range (such as symposia, daily meetings, workshops, seminars, etc.) addressing two or more medical sectors, will be under the name of “The Four Seasons of Medicine”. If they address a single medical sector, then they can be under the name of “The Four Seasons of …” (for example: “The Four Seasons of Psychiatry”,  The Four Seasons of Cardiology,   The Four Seas.......... ).

The previously mentioned evolution was deemed necessary in order to keep up with the novel demands of the era.

ISoQM is devoted to its goal: quality lifelong medical education.