Television / Films

To Do:

Avatar: The Last Airbender

1 Transcription

The famous Iroh episode reminded me of my obachan, who passed away when I was a kid.

Transcribed Songs


1 Transcription

Even though the first half of it all is a bit uncomfortable, this was my first time actually reading/seeing a lesbian story. I figured myself out in my last year of college and this helped me accept myself.

Death Note

4 Transcriptions

This is one of the coolest, most 2000's-y soundtracks I have ever heard come out of a show.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders

1 Transcription

Part 3 and Part 4 have my favorite soundtracks so far, not including intros. I kind of expected there to be more coverage of the series as a whole, but if I couldn't even find sheets for the one song I've done so far, then this must be pretty easy to take over.

Transcribed Songs

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind

1 Transcription

I swear to god if you call Il Vento d'Oro "Giorno's Theme" I'm going to lose my mind. There are official names for things, you know.

Transcribed Songs

Pokémon the Movie 2000

1 Transcription

Did the entirety of Polkamon because less than half of it was used in one rip. I am not necessarily a sensical girl.

Transcribed Songs

Regular Show

2 Transcriptions

My original transcription of Gary vs. David is my only video to surpass 100,000 views and it was some extended cut a fan made. I am keeping that video up alongside two more modern videos.

Transcribed Songs


2 Transcriptions

My friend convinced me to watch the first episode and I was like "wow." The soundtrack is also neat.