Final FAntasy I-III

Final Fantasy

To Do:

Final Fantasy (NES/WSC)

24 Transcriptions

Transcribed the whole soundtrack since I'm trying to get into playing these games. I definitely like what I've seen (and heard) so far.

Final Fantasy (PS1/GBA/PSP)

1 Transcription

The new PS1 soundtrack of the first game is pretty neat. Some new songs in this version have been used in rereleases ever since. The PSP 20th anniversary version includes some remixes of FF3-6 boss battle music for bosses in its bonus dungeons.

Transcribed Songs

Final Fantasy II (FC/WSC)

16 Transcriptions

Over time, Final Fantasy soundtracks just get better. At least for I-VIII. I haven't listened to IX yet.

Final Fantasy III

5 Transcriptions

Planning on transcribing this more fully, but only after I finish Final Fantasy II.