
Links will be added soon. Meanwhile, you can use the drop-down menu in the upper right (desktop) like usual.

Pie charts on current project progress have been moved.

Ace Attorney Megami Tensei
Animal Crossing Metal Gear
Atelier Metroid
Banjo-Kazooie MOTHER
Castlevania Neon Genesis Evangelion
Chrono Pokémon
Danganronpa River City
Donkey Kong SaGa
Ecco Shining
Final Fantasy Sonic the Hedgehog
Fire Emblem Super Smash Bros.
F-Zero Touhou
Homestuck Wario
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Wars
Kid Icarus Yoshi
Kirby Ys
The Legend of Zelda Miscellaneous
Lufia -
Mario Music
Mega Man TV/Films

*Subseries like Mario & Luigi, Last Bible, etc. are found in their primary series' page. The only confusion should come from Megami Tensei, which holds Persona, Last Bible, Majin Tensei, and many other series.

* Ar Tonelico, Bomberman, Bravely, Bubsy, Cooking Mama, Crash, Drakengard, Duke Nukem, Etrian Odyssey, Fatal Fury, Final Fight, Gex, Golden Axe, Kingdom Hearts, Langrisser, Like a Dragon Mana, Ninja Gaiden, Parasite Eve, Phantasy Star, Pilotwings, Professor Layton, Resident Evil, Shantae, Shovel Knight, Sim, Soul Blazer, Splatoon, Star Fox, Star Ocean, Story of Seasons, Street Fighter, Streets of Rage, Suikoden, Tales, Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, and Yo-kai Watch do not have any transcriptions yet. I don't know if there are any other series outside of these that I have any interest in.