Call for Area Chairs

AC call closes on 15 22 September 2023

ACs have a vital role in the IPCAI paper selection process. We aim to have 20-25 ACs with a balance in demographics, experience and complementary expertise. 

Being an AC is an excellent way to increase your committee experience, visibility in the field, and to receive peer recognition (the names of all ACs will appear in the conference program, proceedings, and on the IPCAI website). ACs are not required to attend the conference, but we would be most happy to see you there! Applicants should have a PhD, reviewed previously for IPCAI (normally at least twice, but with exceptions depending on other reviewing experience) and reviewed at other relevant top conferences. ACs should have typically published at least three papers as first or senior author at IPCAI or other top conferences or journals. 

If you are interested in being an AC, please fill out the application form below, as soon as you can, and no later than 22 September 2023

The AC responsibilities are as follows:

Being an AC is an important commitment, and please apply only if you know you will be able to dedicate the necessary time to this role. If you are applying as an AC, and would also like to review regular papers, please notify us via email at If you have any additional questions, please contact the Program Chairs at