
Many congratulations to the following participants of IPCAI 2024!

The Monarch, J&J MedTech Best Paper Award 


Kun Yuan, Manasi Kattel, Rupak Bose, Joël Lavanchy, Nassir Navab, Vinkle Srivastav, Nicolas Padoy

for the paper "Advancing Surgical VQA with Scene Graph Knowledge"


David O Grajales, William T Le, Trang Tran, Sandryne David, Frédérick Dallaire, Katherine Ember, Frederic Leblond, Cynthia Ménard, Samuel Kadoury

for the paper "Robot-assisted biopsy sampling for online Raman spectroscopy cancer confirmation in the OR"

Honorary Mention:

Dominic Batić, Felix Holm, Ege Özsoy, Tobias Czempiel, Nassir Navab 

for the paper "EndoViT: Pretraining Vision Transformers on a Large Collection of Endoscopic Images"

The Siemens Healthineers Best Presentation Award


Dominic Batić, Felix Holm, Ege Özsoy, Tobias Czempiel, Nassir Navab 

for the paper "EndoViT: Pretraining Vision Transformers on a Large Collection of Endoscopic Images"

The NVIDIA Bench-to-Bedside Award


Constantin Kleinbeck , Han Zhang, Benjamin Killeen, Daniel Roth, Mathias Unberath 

for the paper "Neural Digital Twins: Reconstructing Complex Medical Environments for Spatial Planning in Virtual Reality"


Xi Fang , Han Deng , Tianshu Kuang , Xuanang Xu, Jungwook Lee , Jaime Gateno, Pingkun Yan

for the paper "Patient-specific reference model estimation for orthognathic surgical planning"

Honorary Mention:

Tânia Sousa Baptista, Miguel Marques, Carolina Raposo, Luís Ribeiro, Michel Antunes, Joao P. Barreto

for the paper "Structured Light for Touchless 3D Registration in Video-based Surgical Navigation"

The CASCINATION & Zeiss Machine Learning in CAI Award


Ahmad Bin Qasim & Alessandro Motta, Alexander Studier-Fischer, Jan Sellner, Leonardo Ayala, Marco Huebner, Marc Bressan, Berkin Özdemir, Karl-Friedrich Kowalewski , Felix Nickel, Silvia Seidlitz & Lena Maier-Hein

for the paper "Test-time augmentation with synthetic data addresses distribution shifts in spectral imaging"


Adrien MEYER, Jean-Paul Mazellier, Jérémy DANA, Nicolas Padoy

for the paper "On-the-Fly Point Annotation for Fast Medical Video Labeling"

Honorary Mention:

Yuchong Li, Bizhe Bai, Fucang Jia

for the paper "A parameter-efficient framework for surgical action triplet recognition"

The ImFusion Long Abstract Presentation Award

Wenhao Gu, Justin Opfermann, Jonathan Knopf, Axel Krieger, Mathias Unberath

for the abstract "Near-infrared Beacons: Tracking Anatomy with Biocompatible Flourescent Dots for Mixed Reality Surgical Navigation"

Outstanding Reviewer Awards

Joao Barreto, Universidade de Coimbra

Laura Connolly, Queen's University

Diego Dall'Alba, University of Verona

Chiara Di Vece, UCL

Benjamin Killeen, Johns Hopkins University

David Kügler, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases

Micha Pfeiffer, National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT), Dresden

Juan Verde, IHU Strasbourg