
Experimentos "Descubriendo la luz"


11-F poster


We are On 

At Home with Optics - A collection of optical experiments, webinars and videos for children 

Education Outreach What is optics?  

Looking for something to do with the kids while inside? Want to sneak in a little physics and fun into their daily routine? Check out the Optics for Kids website for interactive experiments and activities for all ages! Activities are broken up by age groups and provide detailed directions and materials lists as well as an easy to understand explanation of the activity. 

International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021- 11F

We all know about the importance of women in science. In order to commemorate International Day of Women and Girls in Science that is held every year on February 11, we wanted to give greater visibility to different associations that carry out initiatives which aim to promote the scientific career in girls and women. 

To do so we thought that by means Twitter, we could collect small videos from those associations, in which they briefly explained who they are, what activities or programs they promote and why do they think that their initiatives are necessary nowadays.


These videos were broadcasted daily, from February 1 to February 11. The day after each video was published on Twitter, we generated a simple multi-choice question about the video’s content, so that those who participated by responding to the questions would take part in a contest, in which a book related to girls, women and science was given to the winning person. 

It was such an educational experience!