Very interesting talks at the IOSA Scientific Seminars


The IV edition of the IOSA Scientific Seminars were a success, as all the previous editions. Below you can find the abstracts and pictures of the event.

Camilon Floiran Geetihika Muralidharan
Carlos Honrado-Benitez Andrea Curatolo

4th edition of the IOSA Scientific Seminars


On December 14th the 4th edition of the IOSA scientific seminars will take place. As in the last years, these seminars are open to all the staff of the Institute of Optics: pre- and post-doctoral researchers, technicians, as well as senior researchers, and, of course, all the IOSA members or IO members. The aim is presenting the different lines of research developed in the Institute and promoting discussion between the different groups. Moreover this year, thanks to the OSA Travelling Lecturer Program, we are delighted to inform you that we will count on the presence of a renowned speaker, Prof. Ursula Keller, from ETH Zurich (Switzerland), who will give a seminar on “Attosecond Ionization Dynamics and Time Delays”.

Save the date:

14th December 2017 at 10:30am

Salón de Actos IQFR-CSIC

Abstract of Prof. Ursula Keller’s talk:

The basic motivation is to understand and ultimately control how matter functions at the electronic, atomic and molecular level. Initially our focus is on the question how quanta of energy and charge are transported on an atomic spatial and attosecond time scale. In principle, time dependent-processes in quantum mechanics are described by the time- dependent Schrödinger Equation (TDSE). The challenge is that the TDSE in most cases cannot be solved without approximations and that time is not an operator and therefore not a direct observable. This talk will review the recent progress in attosecond ionization dynamics and time delays in photoemission and tunnel ionization. Following the peak of an electron wavepacket for determining time delays can be tricky and often misleading.

See you at the Seminars!!

Week of Science 2017 - Understanding the reality beyond perception


As a part of Week of Science, conducted in collaboration with Community of Madrid and IOSA student chapter, students and families from Madrid participated in workshops aimed at introducing the magical world of optics to the younger generation.

It is something that surrounds you, some of which you can’t even see, touch or feel, yet something that you use everyday and depend on it: The Electromagnetic radiation. Thus we came up with the theme of this time’s exhibition as “A journey through Electromagnetic Spectrum”. Workshops were focused on explaining and demonstrating different regions (visible and non-visible) of electromagnetic spectrum in an experimentally oriented, fun and interesting ways. Laser maze and Passport to all the participants with cool pictures and interactive activities added colour to the whole event.

Missed this year’s week of science workshops? Don’t worry. Stay tuned and save the date for next year.

Here are some of the highlights of this year’s Week of Science optics exhibition.

Week of Science


As every year, IOSA participates in the Week of Science, with the famous Laser Maze, that every year has fun from the youngest to the not so youngest adventurers. Last year was a success, both the Laser Maze and the workshops we do, here we leave some of the most relevant photos remembering the moment. This year more and better with a new topic and new workshops … Wait for us in the next post!



Fecha: 15 de Noviembre del 2017

Lugar: Instituto de Óptica 'Daza de Valdés', Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), C\Serrano, 121.

IOSA brings Light to Medina del Campo


Last month we went to Medina del Campo as a Ciudad Ciencia activity. It was the patron saint festivities, San Antolín, and our workshop Discovering Light was part of the celebration schedule. We carried out the workshops Human vision, Ray tracing, Fluorescence and Optical fibers. The audience that attended were mostly children and they were very interested and very surprised with the workshops we showed them. They were very participative and looking forward to repeating next time.medianDelCampo1

The previous day (4th of September 2017), Onda Cero Medina del Campo interviewd us in order to promote the activity among Medina’s inhabitants!

An advance on the phenomenon that made us win a Poster- Comic Competition...


Surely you’ve seen this phenomenon in nature a spring or summer day. Now you know how it’s called. Soon more post of this topic…

Images taken by Clara and Camilo, members of IOSA, at the entrance of the Institute of Optics (CSIC).

IONS Paris 2017


IONS Paris Conference took place between the 14th and 17th of June, and three of our Chapter members attended with really good feelings. Their contributions were two talks and one poster. Also, they represented the Chapter doing some workshops for children.

Part of the conference happened at École Polytechnique, which is in a peaceful environment surrounded by vegetation. This place is full of instruments that belonged to important figures of the history of Physics and Optics such as Hermann von Helmholtz or Augustin Fresnel.

Our first experience before arriving at the University was very tiring, after climbing never ending stairs. But the fatigue did not last long, remembering that we were in Paris, and seeing the diversity of students from different countries that were there, and that we had to meet.

Arriving to the École Polytechnique the first day of the IONS Paris 2017 (up).

Our chapter members talking with Prof. Viktor Gruev during a coffee break (down).

Clara Benedi-Garcia talked about the impact of the interactions between mono- and chromatic aberrations on visual function on the first day (left).

Sara El Aissati talked about double-pass technique to compare different visual simulators in an Adaptive Optics environment the last day at Paris Sud University (right).

Xoana Barcala-Gosende took a poster about the characterization of the dynamic response of tunable lenses with a high-speed focimeter on the last poster’s session of the conference (left).

During the conference, there were many keynote speakers and interesting talks/posters from other students. One of them was Prof. Viktor Gruev, whose talk named “Bio-Inspired Sensors: From the Ocean to the Operating Room” will help our chapter to improve our workshop about animal’s vision. On the other hand, Prof. John Dudley with his talk about “Solitons to supercontinuum – the science and applications of nonlinear fiber optics” and Dr. Carsten Baur, talking about “Solar cells for space applications: challenges and opportunities” inspired us also new ideas to our workshops.

The last day of the congress, some student chapters carried out some workshops for children. Our chapter did the “Communication with light” and “Phosphorescence and fluorescence” workshops thanks to the help of a French researcher, Mathias Berciano, who did the translations from English to French. This experience was really gratifying, because we could know how French schools are and also our translator, Mathias, learnt from our workshops. As the organization of the Conference said, the language is not a barrier to discuss science.

After doing the outreach activity, our chapter could join the other chapters from Russia, Italy and Colombia and share the workshops we do, so there was a great exchange of ideas. There were also some posters from other student chapters, where we could learn which kind of activities they do in Barcelona, Naples, Russia or Southampton. We talked a lot with all of them during the poster session and after, discussing about our ideas and projects. Social networking was very useful for everybody, because at the end of the day, all of us have the same goal: to divulge science to the society. To encourage this social network, many activities besides academic presentations were organized like wine tasting or gala dinner.

Gala dinner was placed on ‘La Maison des Polytechniciens’, a beautiful and very luxurious place where we could enjoy a pleasant atmosphere. It was an unforgettable experience.

After the three-day congress, there was a Social Day and our members joined it! It was a great way to know the heart of Paris, with a river cruise on the Seine, a picnic at the “Champ the Mars” and guided walking tour of the “Ile de la Cité”. It was also a good way to get to know better the others congress assistants, ask more questions about their work or their chapters, etc.

In summary, it was an unforgettable experience for our members, they came with a lot of ideas, proposals for the Chapter, new contacts and good memories!

IOSA @ Madrid Montessori School


We carried out our Dispersion and Animal Vision workshops at Madrid Montessori school for students aged from 8 to 12 years old. They were very interested and enthusiastic about them! We also enjoyed performing the workshops and answering their questions.

IOSA brings Optics to Ubrique, Cádiz


IOSA travels with Ciudad Ciencia program again! This time, we brought our Discovering Light workshop to Ubrique (Cádiz). We set it up at CEIP Ramón Crossa, and students from other schools came there. We carried out our workshop to 4th grade students of CEIP Ramón Crossa, Reina Sofía, Víctor de la Serna and Sagrado Corazón. It was a very enriching and children enjoyed and asked a lot of questions. The phosphorescence photocall was the cherry on top!

IOSA’s Discovering Light workshop was such a big event in the town that local media came to interview us!!

These are the links to all our interviews:

http://www.todoves.es/2017/05/25/los-secretos-de-la-luz-en-el-ceip-ramon-crossa- ubrique/

http://www.canalsur.es/radio/programas/jerez-hora-sur/detalle/234.html (from minute 19:20)

http://www.ayuntamientoubrique.es/noticias/sanidad-y-ciudadania/2130-ciudad- ciencia-desvela-los-secretos-de-la-luz-con-un-taller-en-el-ceip-ramon-crossa.html

http://www.diariodecadiz.es/provincia/proyecto-Ciudad-Ciencia-taller- optica_0_1139286656.html

http://actualidad.radioubrique.com/2017/05/26/los-escolares-de-ubrique-participan-en- descubriendo-la-luz-nuevo-taller-de-ciudad-ciencia.html

IOSA brings Optics to Gáldar, Gran Canaria


IOSA has travelled to Gáldar (Gran Canaria) to carry out our ‘Discovering Light’ workshop. We performed this activity as part of the Ciudad Ciencia program, which is organized by our institution, the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and funded by Obra Social la Caixa. Its aim is to bring scientific outreach activities to towns in Spain where these activities are not easy to happen. IOSA carried out the workshop at CEIP Sardina del Norte and CEIP Fernando Guanarteme schools, to children of the 5th and 6th grade. We showed them our fiber optics, fluorescence, colour, ray tracing and vision workshops. The children were very surprised with the properties of light concerning their daily life. They were full of questions and energy to interact with us.

In the morning we Discovered Light with children and in the afternoon with grown-ups, in Centro Cultural Guaires. Just as children, they asked curiosities and enjoyed the experimental demonstrations.

It was an unforgettable experience!!!

March for Science


IOSA could not miss it! On April 22nd, we joined hundreds of people for the March of Science in Madrid, and thousands of them all around the world!

We were reclaiming the importance of scientific research as well as a better science policy and working conditions for researchers.

Progress without Science cannot be conceived!!

Learning about Scientific Productivity


Last April, we had a talk by Dr. Carlos Dorronsoro (Institute of Optics, CSIC) about Scientific Productivity. We learnt what the h-index is, citations, impact factor, the different types of publications, etc.

These are important terms all researchers have to know!

IOSA @ Alkal’a Nahar High School


IOSA performed the ‘Discovering Light’ workshop for students of 1st and 2nd year of Bachillerato, in the High School of Excellence Alkal’a Nahar. The specific workshops that were carried out were: Fluorescence, Ray Tracing, Vision and Fiber Optics.

Students were very surprised with the applications that these phenomena, related t the properties of light, have in their daily life.