3rd EEITE 2022 International Conference

Dear colleagues, partners and friends,

we would like to invite you to participate in the 3rd International Conference in Electronic Engineering, Information Technology & Education EEITE2022, on 28-30 of September 2022, organized by the Department of Electronic Engineering of the Hellenic Mediterranean University, in Chania, Greece, in parallel to the 9th Erasmus International week


Participants are welcome to present their work and take the opportunity:

a) to provide a paper or extended abstract of their work in the conference proceedings

b) to cite their work, as the conference proceedings will be identified by ISSN number,

c) to be awarded for the best oral or poster presentation with an acknowledged certificate.

As in the two previous meetings, there is no registration fees to participate at the Conference. You can:

- choose between oral (20 minutes including time for questions) or poster presentation of your work.

- propose a plenary talk (30 minutes in length with additional time for questions) in key subject of the conference topics.

- submit a paper or extended abstract of the presented work for the proceedings.

Registration and abstract submission deadline : 27 of August 2022

On behalf of the Organizing Committee,

Dr. Ioannis Fitilis

Speakers in EEITE

Professor Volodymyr Hutsaylyuk (Military University of Technology, Poland)

Ph.D. studies at the National University of Technology Iwan Puluj (Ternopil, Ukraine,2002) graduated in the discipline "Mechanics of fracture". The title Ph.D. work is "The influence of cyclic preload on the fracture toughness of heat-resistant steels". Was employed as a young Research Assistant at the Department of Materials Science of this university (2001). In the following years, worked in the Department as a Senior Lecturer (2002-2003), Senior Researcher, and Assistant Professor (2003-2006). In 2005, obtaining the title of Associate Professor. In October 2006, started working at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Military University of Technology (Warsaw, Poland) in the Department of Machine Design as a Senior specialist. In October 2007, I took the position of didactic Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. In 2020, I obtained a postdoctoral degree in the scientific discipline "Mechanical Engineering". Currently working as a university professor at the Institute of Robots and Machine Design, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Military University of Technology. The area of scientific interest is related to the problem of resistance to brittle failure of heat-resistant steels & local failure criteria the influence of thermomechanical loading on the fracture toughness; selected issues of the influence of combined preload on the behaviour of mechanical properties under variable load conditions.

  • Specifics of remote teaching of engineering graphics in the environment of specialized engineering software for the "Mechanical Engineering" course students (Day#4, Invited Lectures in Engineering).

Prof. Vasko Dobrev (University of Ruse, Bulgaria)

Intensive Doctoral Internship Program with STEM components

Prof. Antoaneta Dobreva (University of Ruse, Bulgaria)

Intensive Doctoral Internship Program with STEM components

Professor Joao Martins (IPBEJA, Portugal)

Applications Development in IoT

Some years ago, based on the work for my PhD thesis, I wrote a book entitled: “Bioelectronic Vision: Retina Models, Evaluation Metrics, and System Design” (edited by World Scientific) that sold some copies, until I found a pdf file of the book on the internet, better formatted and nicer than my own copy file!

That was more less the end of selling books …

Recently, my daughter, who was just a child at the time, and used to sit on my lap during the writing of the book, used it in her internship at its bachelor’s in Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering about the same subject, and said: “Well, it’s a nice book”.

Then I felt compensated!

João Carlos Martins was born in Lisbon, Portugal, where he also started by taking a licentiate degree (5 years) in Physics Engineering at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of Nova University of Lisbon, and later he also took his MSc and PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Instituto Superior Técnico from Lisbon University. He teaches at the Polytechnic Institute of Beja courses on Computer Architecture, Machine Learning, Cyber-Physical Systems, and Systems Integration. he has supervised several dissertations for the Internet of Things Master’s degree, mainly in precision agriculture and water management with IoT systems. He is particularly interested in signal and image processing and analysis, and machine learning applied to agroindustries and agriculture. (ORCID 0000-0002-4567-7416)

  • Invited Lecture in Engineering: 'Applications Development in IoT' (Day#4)

Professor Jose Jasnau Caeiro (IPBEJA, Portugal)

He has a quite international family: portuguese father; german mother and sister; American brother and french cousins, he ,therefore, is a polyglot and frequent traveler. He is always talking about his experience in India...

José Jasnau Caeiro was born in Lisbon, Portugal in 1963. He received the Lic. degree in physics engineering, from Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL) in 1986, the MSc degree in electrical and computer engineering from Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (UTL) in 1993 and the PhD in electrical and computer engineering from (UTL) in 2010. From 1987 to 1988 he was Assistant Teacher. From 1990 to 1999 he was Assistant Professor. Since 2020 he is and Associate Professor at the Instituto Politécnico de Beja (IPBeja) Engineering Department. He jointly created the SEPSI Lab/IPBeja in 2015. He also jointly created a MSc in IoT, a MSc in Computer Security Engineering, a two year degree in Electronics and Computers, and lectures high performance computing (HPC), programming languages, data structures and algorithms, electronics applications and systems courses at the Computer Science Engineering BSc. His research interests are in image processing, HPC and IoT systems: precision agriculture and food technology areas. He lead the AquaQ2 and participated in other 7 research projects. Is author and co-author of over 30 scientific publications. Also supervised 1 PhD and 7 MSc thesis.

  • Round Table Discussion 'The Internationalisation of the Higher Education and the role of the European University Alliances' (panelist).

  • Invited Lecture in Engineering: 'High-Performance Computing'

Assistant Professor Marcin Wachowski (Military University of Technology, Poland)

I defended PhD dissertation in the field of technical sciences, in the materials engineering discipline at the Warsaw University of Technology. Then, I was employed at the Institute of Robotics and Machine Construction of the Military University of Technology (MUT) as an assistant professor and head of the Electron Microscopy Laboratory. My research field are layered materials obtained by explosive welding method. I have also been involved in the study of hybrid ceramic-metal composites with gradient reinforcement and innovative gradient ceramic-ceramic composites of Al2O3-ZrO2 system. I also actively participate in research on FSW and LBW joints of light metallic materials. I have also performed research on structural materials, in particular concrete matrix composites. Thus, my research areas cover a wide spectrum of topics in the field of Materials and Mechanical Engineering, including layered materials, ceramic-metal composite materials and advanced joining techniques. The main result of my scientific activity is co-authorship of 83 scientific articles published mainly in international journals. My Hirsch Index is 12 (according to Scopus database), 13 (according to Google Scholar database). After obtaining my PhD, I completed 6 internships, financed by Erasmus+.

  • Specifics of remote teaching of engineering graphics in the environment of specialized engineering software for the "Mechanical Engineering" course students (Day#4, Invited Lectures in Engineering).

Mr. Ioannis Marinakis (HMU, Greece)

Ms. Sarra Abdelmalek (Lodz University of Technology, Poland)

Prof. Wojciech Korneta (Lomza State University of Applied Sciences, Poland) - confirmed.

  • Invited lectures in Engineering: Electronic Circuits with Chaotic Dynamical Behaviour and their applications (EEITE 2022).

Dr. Joao Santos (IPBEJA, Portugal)

João M. Santos, ORCID 0000-0001-8624-4636, received a degree in physics from the University of Lisbon, Portugal, in 1995. He worked in High Energy Physics instrumentation from 1995 to 2009, in the CERN/ATLAS/LHC Collaboration. Since 1998 he has been involved in teaching (Physics and Electronics) at the Polytechnic Institute of Beja. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. with the Electronic Systems, Signal Processing and Instrumentation Laboratory at Polytechnic Institute of Beja, and the Physics Department, at NOVA School of Science and Technology, NOVA University Lisbon, Portugal. His current research interests include instrumentation and IoT systems for environmental monitoring.

  • Invited lectures in Engineering: “IoT Wide Area Wireless Networks: LoRA and LoRAWAN” (Day#4)

Dr. Rafal Gasz (Opole University of Technology) - Confirmed.

  • Invited lectures in Engineering: 'Methods of image processing as an effective work tool' (Day#4).