Make the most of a rainy honeymoon

Rain on a wedding day is something that many couples encounter, but the silver lining is that various cultures view rainy wedding days as a symbol of a lucky and successful match. Rain on a wedding day is considered good luck in India and in areas of Great Britain and Ireland as well. In ancient pastoral societies, rain symbolized fertility & a mark of good luck for the newly betrothed.

While couples may rely on these lucky day customs to cope with a shower on their nuptials, rain on a honeymoon may not be so welcome. Mother Nature is unpredictable, so couples may have to contend with soggy honeymoons. Here's how to handle the situation with grace.

Invest in a hotel upgrade

Honeymooners may not expect to spend much time in their hotel rooms, especially if beautiful weather is the norm at their destination. But if it rains, you'll be spending more time indoors. If budget allows, upgrade to a suite or a more opulent hotel with added indoor amenities. A hotel with an indoor pool or a spa can save the day when a beach day is canceled due to rain.

Walk (or kiss) in the rain

The patter of rain on an umbrella can be soothing and romantic. Don't let a light shower get you down. Instead, take a stroll with your newly betrothed and soak up some fresh air and negative ions that a fresh rain can bring.

Sleep in

While you already may be spending more time together in bed, use rainy days on your honeymoon to extend time spent under the covers. Put the "do not disturb" sign on the door and lounge around while raindrops cascade outside. Order breakfast or lunch as room service and catch up on extra cuddles.

Take the plunge anyway

If there is no thunder or lightning in the forecast, who says you can't still dive into the pool or jump through some waves? After all, you'll be wet either way. Put on those swimsuits and take a dip. Snuggle up in the hot tub, especially if it's under a sheltered pergola or gazebo.

Take a drive

Rent a car or arrange for a taxi service to take you on a tour. Rain generally cools down hot climates and can reduce airborne pollen, so it might make sightseeing more comfortable. While you're out, visit museums or other indoor venues. The soft light created when it's overcast also can make photographs pop. Capture many memories along the way by snapping photos as you go.

A rainy honeymoon may not be ideal, but couples can adapt and find ways to make their getaways memorable and romantic.