Compare Our Neighborhood
Compare our Indian Lake neighborhood with another neighborhood - within Worcester, elsewhere in Massachusetts, or elsewhere in America - to see how they stack up. Look at demographics, finances, economics, and other quality-of-life factors.
Compare our Indian Lake neighborhood with another neighborhood - within Worcester, elsewhere in Massachusetts, or elsewhere in America - to see how they stack up. Look at demographics, finances, economics, and other quality-of-life factors.
This free tool allows you to do side-by-side comparisons. It's easy, quick, and won't cost you a penny. Data were pulled from the federal Census Bureau, Internal Revenue Service, and Bureau of Labor.
Under "City #1," enter either the Zip Code or the city and state of your first target. Then, under "City #2," enter either the Zip Code or the city and state of your second target. will pull demographic, financial, salary, economic, and any other residential quality-of-life information important to you.
For example, we've done a data comparison of Worcester's 01606 (Indian Lake) and 01602 (West Side) neighborhoods. Click here, to view the results.
Try your hand at it! Click here, and define and compare your own sets of neighborhoods.