More than 70 people indulged in a delightful array of flavors, music, and painting during a community-building celebration on December 16, 2023 along the eastern shore of Indian Lake.
We produced the free, open-to-all event, "Holiday Flavor - Indian Lake: A Cultural Pot-Luck Feast of Food and Music."
Special thanks to ILCA volunteers Matt and Yesi Ciociolo for hosting this wonderous event at their welcoming home, located at 16 Stowell Avenue and overlooking Indian Lake.
"Those who joined us witnessed the true essence of the holiday season," according to ILCA Founder and President Carl Gomes. (Shown second from top.)
"Our dedicated volunteers," Gomes added, "provided a wonderful treat for everyone's taste buds and eardrums."
Reggie & Arlene and the Community Garden, now available on Amazon, is an illustrated story book that inspires children to become community-building citizens who advocate for food and social justice.Â
Written by Cherie L. Gingerich and illustrated by Alyson Hopper, Reggie & Arlene is also a must-read those adults among us who were born and raised in a culture of treating nature as merely a resource for human consumption - and waste.
The introduction for Reggie & Arlene, which has been published by the Worcester-based charitable, non-profit Indian Lake Community Association Inc. (ILCA), praises the scores of community-minded volunteers who have developed and been maintaining ILCA’s Community Teaching Garden Learning Project - and whose pioneering spirit brought this book to life.
"Because of their advocacy food and social justice and the use of the Garden as a venue for promoting the visual and performing arts,” the introduction states, “the community has been infused with a renewed sense of community spirit as well as increased awareness of the importance of being good environmental stewards.”
Welcome to the wonderful place we call home: Worcester's Indian Lake community!
Located in Central Massachusetts, Indian Lake is a healthy community of culture, diversity, and charm. Founded in 2018, the Indian Lake Community Association, Inc. strives to create and maintain caring, clean, and safe places for use by all Indian Lake residents as well everyone else living in Worcester.
ILCA promotes and advances the active participation of more people, more voices, and more power within our neighborhood, And we seek to create neighbor-to-neighbor connections by developing street captains throughout our community and collaborations with existing neighborhood activists and groups.
Because of this collaborative activism, the Indian Lake neighborhood has done several major clean-ups of weeds, vegetation, and debris. This build-up had accumulated over the course of more than four decades along the barrier wall separating West Boylston Street from West Boylston Drive.
This action has led the Mass. Department of Transportation to remove the existing, deteriorated metal barrier wall and replace it with a $500,000, high-density PVC barrier wall. Features include sound mitigation, anti-graffiti properties, and interchangeable panels for easy maintenance.
Would you like us to keep you in the loop about the community-building events and activities of the Indian Lake Community Association? Would you like to volunteer with us on one or more of our events and activities?
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Visit our Volunteer With Us page and complete and submit the form.
The Weed Man of Worcester share his vision
Watch Carl 'The Weed Man of Worcester' Gomes share his vision for West Boylston Drive, where he owns and live in a house.
Neighborhood renaissance envisioned near I-190 off-ramp
Watch Carl 'The Weed Man of Worcester' Gomes be interviewed by Telegram & Gazette Staff Reporter Brad Petrishen. To read Brad's January 28, 2018 article, "Neighborhood renaissance envisioned near I-190 ramp," click here.
Creating a gateway to Worcester from I-190
Watch this January 29, 2018 report by WCTR-TV on efforts to create a gateway to Worcester from I-190 southbound, at the West Boylston Street exit.