Should Older Generations Teach Younger Generations Morals concerning Mental Health?


image of teacher in classroom.

Mental health is a topic that should be talked about more often as it not only affects those who have mental health issues but it affects all living beings. So if we all deal with the similar issues why shouldn't it be taught in schools? We all learn basic life skills through school like math, science, history, reading, and social skills are all learned in school I propose that a new topic be introduced and that is mental awarness.

Main Ideas

  1. A.C.E (Adverse Childhood Experiences)

  2. Mental health issues are hereditary

  3. Why schools should teach mental health

  4. Define mental health

  5. External forces and how it affects mental health

Survey results

In a survey I had learned that this is a very up for interpretation question but I had received a split response of 50-50.

Interview Summary

The purpose of the interview is to get an in-depth understanding of whether Melissa thinks it is a good or bad idea to allow older generations to teach younger generations morals regarding mental health. Melissa just graduated college. She is currently 27 years old and volunteering at leading a group of teenagers. Melissa was excited to participate in the topic because she has dealt with depression. The questions I asked that relate to my topic are “Why do you think parents believe that mental health isn’t important”, because they didn’t get told that it was important so they grow up believing that it wasn’t important and to not care about it.

“What are morals you believe parents should teach their children?” To be compassionate, generous, kind , and selfless.

“Why do you think mental health has such a negative connotation surrounding it?” Sometimes mental health people think of mental health as a sickness or a weakness while it really is just taking care of your mind.

“Should older generations teach younger generations morals regarding mental health?”

Yes, you learn a lot from people who are around you whether it is what you want to be or what you don’t want to be. Whether it is good or bad it sets the blueprints on who you want to be.I learned that some adults are not bad and actually care for the younger generations mental and physical health people can be kind and they should be kind. And that I have just dealt with adults around be looking down on mental health.

My Opinion

In my opinion I believe that mental health should be taught by older generations preferably in a school setting where there are restrictions as teachers are usually refrain from adding their own personal beliefs in their teachings. Mental health is a topic that needs to talked more about so that slowly but surely the stigma attached to it will fade away as the truth is told more.

Mental health is a person’s condition regarding their psychological and emotional well-being. Mental health has slowly become a topic everyone is aware of regardless of race, sex, gender and age. During the span of a month I took the liberty of conducting a survey asking 25 different individuals if we should allow older generations to teach younger generations morals regarding mental health. And took several months researching the question, “should older generations teach younger generations morals regarding mental health?” I have come to the conclusion that yes they should with some restrictions such as keeping their own beliefs and keeping it factual.

What exactly does Mental health convey? “ Mental health refers to cognitive, behavioral, and emotional well-being. It is all about how people think, feel, and behave. People sometimes use the term ‘mental health’ to mean the absence of a mental disorder.” Mental health is a tricky subject to some and have overly strong opinions regardless of position. The stigma of mental health is very prominent in older generations. The stigma is created due to Hollywood movies and overall just the lack of knowledge on the topic. And it is because of the stigma that it should be taught to break down the stigma and tell people that it is okay to deal with mental health issues whether it is as simple as being stressed over a test or having to take medication for anxiety. Regardless, both should be equally normalized because those things happen and despite our best efforts can and will appear in our lives countless times. “Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.”

Mental health should be taught in schools. Generally because everyone deals with mental health issues in one way or another, it should be addressed as openly as physical health. Mental health is an aspect of human life that needs to be addressed more openly and get rid of the stigma that it is a bad thing. As Alfie Hughes emphasizes “To know about mental health is a life skill and could help young people get help when they need it or prevent this from getting worse.” He is completely correct in this statement like any other life skill it is very important to be informed about mental and physical health. And learn to manage both your mind and body because one without the other is worthless. You can’t be the most fit person and have people admire you but you don’t believe them because you're insecure or depressed. I fear that we focus way too much on the physical that we tend to forget the mental and emotional aspect of our health especially when it comes to how jobs and schools are designed.

Mental health is a touchy subject when it shouldn’t be at all in fact most mental health issues are hereditary.The diagram can show examples as to how specific mental illnesses can be passed down to children and the probability of these situations can happen. It is very important to know that even if no one isn’t diagnosed does not mean that they don’t have it. Certain mental health issues can be rooted to what is called A.C.E.’s (Adverse childhood experiences). ACE’s are incredibly common about 60% percent of adults have gotten at least one on their ACE test. The test contains about 10 simple yes or no questions. For every question you answer yes that is a point added to your score. It is made up of components regarding abuse, neglect and other indicators of a rough childhood. Those who have a four or more can result in higher probabilities of getting pulmonary lung disease, depression, hepatitis, and suicidal thoughts or tendencies. ACE’s are no joke and need to be taken seriously as should mental health be treated the same.

In conclusion, schools must be able to help students whether it is home troubles or just stress from the amount of schoolwork they need to complete in one night. If we do not teach students the need for mental health, many students will struggle with their mental health and their grades will drop and they will struggle to maintain a good mentality if all they think about is getting a passing grade. School is meant to be a good place for students, a place where they can learn and prosper but lately we have failed to do so. Student’s know little of people who they can talk to and it is a running joke that if you talk to the school counselor you’ll be sent to an asylum because you talked to them. It isn’t funny to joke like that but it is a very serious issue. We should teach kids how to deal with their mental health and give pointers of habits they can pick up or give them outlets throughout the school building so they can release their stress and worries in a judgment free zone.

  • "Does mental illness run in families"

  • Felman, Adam "What Is mental Health?" Medical News Today, Medically reviewed by Timothy J. Legg, PhD, PsyD, April 13, 2020

  • "What Is Mental Health?" Mental, February 28, 2020

  • Hughes, Alfie "Should hental health be taught in schools?" center for mental health

  • Harris-Burke, Nadine "How childhood trauma affects overall health" ted talk. February 17, 2015