Should we legally lower the age of drinking to 18?

Throughout the years, alcohol has been a problem and affected many people in the U.S. Many young adults under the age of 21 drink. Some don't have control of the amount of alcohol they consume and can start acting disrespectfully towards others. There have also been car accidents and crimes that are linked to alcohol.

Describe the main issues you are going to cover.

  • increase and decrease in car accidents

  • alcohol linked to crimes

  • drinking and driving

  • responsibility

  • rebellious teens

What were the results of your survey? Describe your findings here.

From the survey that I did in my English class, 5 students said that we should lower the age of drinking to 18 and 20 students said that we should not lower the age of drinking to 18. For those who said that we should lower the age of drinking to 18, their reason was because many people under the age of 21 already drink. For those who said that we should not lower the age of drinking to 18, their reason was because it would cause more chaos and accidents.

Interview Summary

The purpose of my interview was to see if we should lower the age of drinking to 18, why or why? My interviewee is Elizabeth. Her age is 16. She has tried alcohol before and I want to know about her first experience trying it. Her overall attitude toward the subject was supporting that we should lower the age of drinking to 18 because they are already considered to be adults and should have adult responsibilities. The most important question to my research was if we lower the age of drinking to 18, will there be more car accidents? My interviewee’s answer to the question was that yes, there will be more car accidents because many people by the age of 18 already have their driver's license and once they learn that it is legal for them to drink, they will probably go to bars or clubs. What I learned from my interview is that people who are 18 should be considered adults and have adult responsibilities.

Your Personal Opinion

I believe that we should not lower the age of drinking to 18 because it would cause more accidents. Although there are many people under the age of 21 who already drink, there are many others who don't drink. Many of these people do it either because they don't like it or their parents don't allow it.

Write your paper here.

F Scott Fitzgerald once said “First you take a drink, then drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you.” Drinking can really impact a person's life in a negative and unfortunate way. Many people start drinking at a young age and can become a drinking addict. Throughout the past few years, car accidents have increased and have been linked to alcohol. Many people who are in favor of lowering the drinking age argue that people who are 18 are able to join the military and risk their life and vote for government officials. Some writers claim that teens become rebellious if there are many rules applied to them. In an interview that I supervised of 25 students, 20 students said that we should not lower the age of drinking to 18. Many said that people between the ages of 18-21 are still immature and unable to control their drinking. If we were to lower the age of drinking to 18, it would increase the number of people drinking and increase the risks of car accidents. Although drinking can be fun and adventurous at the moment, nevertheless, it can cause many difficult issues.

Throughout the past few years, car accidents have increased and have been connected to alcohol. It can cause a person drinking to commit a crime. According to TCU, “Motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of death for persons between 15 and 20 years old. Twenty-three percent of those drivers had been drinking but weren’t over the legal limit.” Many people started drinking at a young age and think that it won’t affect them whether because it’s “cool” or exciting. The truth is that it can injure a person and negatively hurt them. Between the ages of 15-20, it is considered to be the exciting years of someone’s life because they don’t have massive responsibilities like adults and have more freedom than children. It’s when a person really starts experiencing many things, whether it’s right or wrong. In the text Top 3 Reasons Why the Drinking Age Should Not be Lowered to 18, “The NIAAA (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism), found that "up to 86 percent of homicide offenders, 37 percent of assault offenders, [and] 60 percent of sexual offenders" were using alcohol at the time of the crime.” Anything that is related with a sexual way has increased the last few years. There have been more people open up about their experiences and most of the time, those people do say that it was because that other person was drinking. Alcohol can make a person do horrendous things.

Some writers claim that teens become rebellious if there are many rules applied to them. As explained by Shayna Herszage, As the saying goes, “strict parents create sneaky children.” Similarly, a strict country produces rebellious young adults. Compared to countries with lower minimum drinking ages, the United States has an unusually high rate of binge drinking among young adults and adolescents.” I strongly agree with the writer because I know many teenagers that have strict parents always say that they do things without their parents knowing. I'm not saying this is right to do because, as a teenager, I do believe that parents should know what their child is doing because they want what is best for them. Many children tend to get away with many things, as they want to do it more because of how many rules are applied to them. You always want what you can’t have. There has always been a high rate of young adults binge drinking because of how normal it used to be many decades ago. Based on the ideas of Elizabeth M. Whelan, Youths learn to regard moderate drinking as an enjoyable family activity. Not as something they have to sneak away to do.” There is nothing wrong with someone young only having one drink. Many people lose control over how much alcohol they consist of. This is why many people think that drinking should have a limit. If a young person has a drink with family members, there is less risk of them getting hurt.

Many people who are in favor of lowering the drinking age argue that people who are 18 are able to join the military and risk their life and vote for government officials. Drinking can cost a lot of money. According to Domenick Booker-Pomata, “Some argue, 18-year-olds are too immature and irresponsible to consume alcohol, but I disagree. Once someone turns 18, life opens up and they acquire multiple obligations and privileges. They receive the right to vote or choose to be married, while also receiving the duties of enlisting in the military and performing jury duty. “ Once a person turns 18, there are many responsibilities that one receives. You learn how to be independent and make hard decisions. When a person goes to the military, they do it to serve their country. If a person becomes injured or if death occurred, they know that it happened with honor. Whilst, for drinking, many do it to have fun and forget about the real world. It creates chaos and is uncontrollable to an extent. Based on what Sebastian Barajas points out, “Well, the population aged 18-21 is about equal to the population that would no longer be arrested with a lower drinking age. That would decrease revenue by about $49.5 million. Greater social cost. One study claims that under-21 drinking costs the country $61.9 billion a year.” Alcohol can be costly. If teenagers who were involved in these events were to see how much the country has to pay per year, I believe that many would stop drinking. The U.S. has many debts and payments already that adding the underage drinking makes the country look inferior to the world. I think that many teenagers don’t know that the country has to pay because of how much they drink. There is no problem with having one drink here and there at a young age, but it is unhealthy once it is a consistent thing.

To conclude, alcohol can affect a person in many unlucky ways. It can set up a person to make inexplicable decisions. It can cause a person to be involved in a car accident. It has been proven that many underage people have had serious consequences because of drinking in a discourteous way. Alcohol has caused a great amount of chaos, crime, and pain. It is poison to a person's body. Alcohol can be very addictive, once a person drinks, they can never stop. Alcohol has been an important topic for many decades. It has appeared to be increasing in the U.S. for the percentage of alcoholics. Furthermore, drinking will lead to an increase in sexual assault.

Write your bibliography here. MLA style

TCU. “The legal drinking age shouldn’t be lowered”. 2015

Nagin, Matt. “Top 3 Reasons Why the Drinking Age Should Not be Lowered to 18”. 2012


Whelan, Elizabeth M. “Lower the Drinking Age to 18?”. 2021

Lower the Drinking Age to 18? (Yes Says Expert and Here’s Why) (

Booker-Pomata,Domenick. “Lower the drinking age to 18”. 2011

Lower the drinking age to 18 – Daily Sundial (

Barajas, Sebastian. “Lowering the drinking age could be cost effective” 2017