Should people be allowed to have control of a gun?

Gun violence is a national public health epidemic that exacts a substantial toll on the U.S. society. Gun violence includes homicide, violent crime, attempted suicide, suicide, and unintentional death and injury.

Main Issues

  • Mental Health

  • Laws Towards Guns

  • Licenses To Carry Guns

Survey Results

In my survey, 9 out of 25 people said yes to people should have in control of a gun which is 36%. 16 out of people said no to people should not have in control of a gun which will be 64%.

Interview Summary

The purpose of my interviewee is about gun control because there are tons of people getting killed or injured just by someone getting a hold of a firearm. My interviewee was my uncle. He is 26 years old. My uncle about this topic is right in the middle. He had an experience to almost getting hit by a bullet himself just by kids trying to play around with the gun they had. His opinion towards gun laws believes that you should have a gun in the house for protection but not in reach of anyone or anything.

Personal Opinion

Should people be allowed to have control of a gun?

In my personal opinion, it depends on the situation due to the fact on how there are more than half of the U.S gun deaths that are murders and suicides. As well as these guns can be used for safety for your own family and everyone does have a right to bear arms.

Did you know that in the last two years, there were 6.2 gun murders and 7 gun suicides per 100,000 people since 2020 because of gun control. Gun control is having possession of a firearm. Gun control has been around the world no matter if they would dismiss the amendment of the right to bear arms. Based on the survey, 64% of the people out of 25 that are saying people should not have control of a gun. There are 36% out of 25 people that said people should have a right to have control of a gun. Although tons of people out there have a registered or not registered firearm,nevertheless, I believe having control of a gun should not be going on because there are people dying everyday from gun violence and even suicides from them or even the own law enforcement.

There are tons of people having control of a gun and people are dying everyday from gun violence and even suicides. In the law, there are tons of papers that say you need to conceal carry license and have a good background with no felonies or no bad blood with anyone in order to buy a gun. According to a community college they are saying, “requires holders of FFLs to conduct a background check. Potential firearm purchasers fill out a federal form known as the ATF 4473, which checks for prior convictions and other red flags. FFL holders then use the information provided on the form in the background check. States may decide whether the background check is carried out solely by the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) or a combination of the NICS and state agency information.” (Central Community College) This shows that people should follow the guidelines of a firearm. 81% supported taking guns from at-risk individuals, and 67% favored banning assault weapons. The U.S. The Department of Justice would say, “Gun Control Act is passed and imposes stricter licensing and regulation on the firearms industry, establishes new categories of firearms offenses, and prohibits the sale of firearms and ammunition to felons and certain other prohibited persons. It also imposes the first Federal jurisdiction over "destructive devices," including bombs, mines, grenades and other similar devices.” (U.S. Department of Justice) This shows that the department of justice has an act that if you don’t follow the laws of having guns. They have something new either every year or every other year.

People with mental illnesses are more likely to be victims of violence. The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence is an organization for public health and it has programs to reduce gun violence. The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence stated, “Suicide is the second leading cause of death among young adults aged 25-34, and the 10th leading cause of death among all Americans. Making up three-fifths of gun deaths, suicide is a major contributor to the gun violence epidemic.” (Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence). This shows that even guns can cause people to kill themselves because they don’t want to live or they don’t want a certain person to live so they get revenge on them or they don’t like them. People can be robbers or even people that are just having a normal day, and then end up getting killed. According to Gramlich, “There were 6.2 gun murders per 100,000 people in 2020, below the rate of 7.2 recorded in 1974. And there were 7.0 gun suicides per 100,000 people in 2020, below the rate of 7.7 measured in 1977. One caveat when considering the 1970s figures: In the CDC’s database, gun murders and gun suicides between 1968 and 1978 are classified as those caused by firearms and explosives.” (Gramlich) This shows that the increase of murders in the last couple years increase slowly and even now they are killing themselves and shooting people’s houses.

People have a supporting reasoning about having control of a gun because of the second amendment, others will not support it at all because of everything that is happening in today’s society of violence around the world. According to Gallup, “From December 17 of 2021, people think it is more dangerous to have guns in the house than making it safer. There are 52% of people that said it is more dangerous to have it in the house and 42% of people that say that it is safe to have it in the house.” (Gallup, Inc) This shows that they don’t trust even having a gun for their own safety because of kids getting a hold of a gun or even if those people get in an argument, they can bring out the gun and kill themselves to let the other feel guilty or shoot the person that is arguing with them. People are debating if the use to control a gun should be in contact with a person in general. The Central Community College has spoken and said, “On the one hand, some believe that the Amendment's phrase "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms' ' creates an individual constitutional right for citizens of the United States. Under this "individual right theory," the United States Constitution restricts legislative bodies from prohibiting firearm possession, or at the very least, the Amendment renders prohibitory and restrictive regulation presumptively unconstitutional.” (Central Community College) This shows that people do have a right to bear arms but when the right comes they take advantage of it.

In conclusion, People do have their own opinion on gun control, not everyone will be equal. There are always going to be things about the law, mental health, and people supporting or denying the use of a gun. I believe there will be tons of more involving a firearm later on in the future because the amount of deaths now is just insane.


Central Community College. “Gun Laws and Controls.” 2021.

U.S. Department of Justice. “Gun Control Act.” U.S. Department of Justice. 2019.

Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence. “Mental Illness and Gun Violence.” Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence. 2020.

Gramlich, John. “What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S.” Gramlich. 2022.

Gallup, Inc. “Guns” Gallup, Inc. 2022.

Central Community College. “Gun Laws and Controls.” Central Community College.