"He's to mentally ill to execute. Why is he still on death row after 45 years"

Issues that are covered

if people with a mental disability should receive the death penalty,

What can we do so that they won’t receive this treatment

why do states still have the death penalty for people with a mental disability,

What were the results of your survey? Describe your findings here.

I found out that most people in my survey said that they should ban the death penalty for people with a mental disability. Only a few people said that we shouldn't ban the death penalty 70 percent said yes and 30 percent said no

Interview Summary

The purpose of this interview is to see if we should ban the death penalty for people with a mental illness. My interviewee said that they might not even be aware of the crime the committed. I asked my friend if we should just get rid of the death penalty all together he said that we shouldn't but just for people with a mental illness because there are people that like to commit horrible crimes and

Personal Opinion

i say that we should ban the death penalty for people with a mental disability.i say this because most people with a mental disability have a lower IQ and might not know they have done or how bad the thing they is. There is also the other possibility that they forgot what they did entirely

Write your paper here.

Why should people with a mental disability get the death penalty? That the person receiving the penalty has a mental illness. What if they don't even remember what they did or has no clue on what they did was bad.When I surveyed my classmates and some of my friends most people said yes to ban the death penalty but there was almost the same amount of people said to not ban it. I say we should ban it because it’s kinda bogus because they might not know what they did was bad and probably have a lower iq than the rest of us

Death penalty and people with mental illness are hard to put together. The meaning of this is that people with mental illness have a substantial disadvantage when they are in court and trying to get out of a case. They wouldn’t know what to say or might say the wrong thing that could get them into bigger trouble. Sometimes the court takes advantage of them and tricks them into false confessions.The person with the mental illness probably doesn’t even know their rights and that the justice system fails to help them. They set up some steps for people with mental illness so they won’t get the death penalty but even then there’s flaws. According to MHA (Mental Health America) “it is estimated that at least 20 percent of people on death row have a serious mental illness.” It also depends on how their mental condition is and that it can influence their mental state when commuting the crime. So they might not even remember committing the crime that they did.

People who got the death penalty even though they had a mental illness. One case that happened back then was to a person named Joe Arridy. Said to be the happiest man on death row. They falsely accused and he was manipulated by the police to make a false confession due to his mental incapacities. According to the New York daily news a warden said “The man you kill tonight is six years old, He has not idea why he dies.” When the warden said this is because joe Arridy had an IQ of of 46, determined by experts.There is another case with a person named Raymond Riles and he was on the death penalty for 46 years and waited till 2021 to not get the death penalty. He also had a serious mental illness after all that they said they could execute him because he didn’t understand why he was giving the death penalty. These are the flaws that are in the justice system it’s unfair for the people with mental illness because the court can do anything and possible give them the death penalty even though they are innocent.

There are law that vary by state and a Supreme Court case that helps people with mental illnesses so they wouldn’t get the death penalty. Many state have already banned the death penalty to people with the mental illness and but there are some states that didn’t ban ban and still can give the death penalty to them. There is an article on the Supreme Court case Atkins v. Virginia . The article points out that “the Court held that executions of mentally retarded criminals are "cruel and unusual punishments" prohibited by the Eighth Amendment.” They go on to state that “ the Court reasoned that a significant number of States have concluded that death is not a suitable punishment for a mentally retarded criminal.” This helps people with mental illness to get out of the death penalty.

In conclusion these are why the death penalty shouldn’t be given to people with mental illness. These reason on why the shouldn’t reduce the death penalty is from include laws from different states, people that got the death penalty and why we shouldn’t give it to them because of how the justice system is unfair and has multiple flaws in it.

Write your bibliography here. MLA style

  • Justice Story: The happiest man on death row



  • The Death Penalty: Society's Injustice System


  • He's Too Mentally Ill to Execute. Why Is He Still on Death Row After 45 Years?

Blakinger and Chammah


  • Scientists Tie Low IQ to Disorders: News: The Harvard Crimson


