Getting Started

Smith Rock at sunset; Central Oregon; Photo by Cameron Venti on Unsplash

Trainees do not enter training programs with equal access, accommodations, or preparation.

Inclusive demographic measures can inform a nuanced set of program outcomes, facilitating research on intersectionality and supporting the recruitment and retention of underrepresented students in biomedical research.

Why diversity in biomedical sciences matters

Reduce health inequities. Amplify voices. Make the world a better place.

Diversity Increases Research Innovation

This 2020 study followed the careers of 1.2 million US doctoral recipients (from 1977 to 2015) into their publishing and faculty positions. Amazing, innovative work is being done by diverse scientists. It is being held back by bias and racism.

Science needs diversity and amplified voices.

Hofstra B, Kulkarni VV, Galvez SM, He B, Jurafsky D, McFarland DA. (2020). The Diversity–Innovation Paradox in Science. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2020 Apr 28;117(17):9284-91.

Diversity's Influential Community Research

Another great 2020 study found that African American/Black applicants tend to propose community-focused research grants more frequently, a research topic they found was underfunded by the National Institutes of Health. However, these research topics least likely to get funding led to more influential publications when they were funded, as defined higher median relative citation ratios (RCR) of those papers.

Community research matters. To communities, to scientists.

Hoppe TA, Litovitz A, Willis KA, Meseroll RA, Perkins MJ, Hutchins BI, Davis AF, Lauer MS, Valantine HA, Anderson JM, Santangelo GM. Topic choice contributes to the lower rate of NIH awards to African-American/black scientists. Science Advances. 2019 Oct 1;5(10):eaaw7238.
Content from this section also found on Marriott, L.K., Zell, A., & L.K. Gowen (2021). Learn Qualitative Methods Original content developed in collaboration with Aaron Raz Link and Medina Lamkin

Training a diverse biomedical workforce

In the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, NIH calls for "enhancing the biomedical and

behavioral research workforce" and highlights diversity as key to those goals (p16-17).

NIH funded several training initiatives aimed at encouraging interest in STEM in biomedical science, part of their overall efforts to enhance diversity.

NIH Strategic Plan (2021-2025)

Training program examples: demographics in action

STEM Assessment & Reporting Tracker

NIGMS-funded informatics tool for measuring STEM development of students. Approaches for measuring demographics for capturing underrepresented populations varied.

START (2021). START: STEM Assessment and Reporting Tracker. Retrieved from information on START via NIH RePorter

Cancer Research Training

NCI funded Youth Enjoy Science (YES) training programs aimed at cancer research training for high school and undergraduate students.

Its programs reported variability in what demographics were measured and requested guidance around approaches.

Mekinda, M.A., Chaudhary, S., Vanderford, N.L., Burns White, K., Kennedy, L., and L.K. Marriott. (2022). Approaches for measuring inclusive demographics across Youth Enjoy Science cancer research training programs. In peer review with the Journal of STEM Outreach.

What comprises diversity?

If you're wondering how diversity is defined, you're not alone.

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