CAI - Conversas Associação Internacional

CAI - Conversas Associação Internacional, based in Lisbon - Portugal, has social purpose, intervention, cooperation and education for human and social development in the areas of prevention, treatment, social inclusion of social problems, Research, publications, training and cultural events.

To achieve its objectives CAI proposes:

(A) Promote and participate in social experimentation and innovation in the fight against poverty and social exclusion, the promotion of human rights and the rights of children;

B) To create and to support the local, national and international actors of social intervention;

C) Promote street and social street workers, social participation and community development;

D) Promote social intervention programs;

(E) Implement vocational training programs and the training, creation and maintenance of the centers where these programs are carried out;

(F) Developing parents' education and family support activities;

(G) Assist in the implementation of local, national and international strategies to promote gender equality and the protection of discriminated individuals and groups;

H) Collaborate and / or promote cultural and sports activities;

I) Preparation of consultancy, supervision and evaluation of project programs;