
The objectives of the project are:

-To promote the field of educational leisure time as a space for social inclusion.

-To train youth leaders and young people to carry put initiatives to incorporate competencies, values, capacity and methodologies that promote social inclusion through educational leisure time.

-To adapt youth and education programs to new challenges and, in particular, to work with migrants and refugees.

-To map good practices, methodologies, and training activities to promote these processes of inclusion.

To reach this goal, we propose to develop:

a) local seminars to diagnose needs and challenges and work locally what has been shared at an European level during the transnational meetings,

b) a transnational seminar to rank these needs,

c) an international training to incorporate skills and competencies in non-formal education,

d) a transnational seminar to elaborate a "good practice" guide that pick up the reflection process carried out during the project.

Inclusi-ON will end with local multiplier events that will bring together European and local officials to show the results and achievements of the project.