Before sending students off to work in groups, consider assigning a role like a reporter, timekeeper, facilitator for more structure. Rather than leave it to chance that the same people will volunteer for the role, provide a prompt that will indicate who will fill that role. Choose something that doesn't require much time to discuss and allows for students to get to know each other a bit without being a particularly sensitive question. Providing a prompt like this can help build community before diving into the task. Here are some example prompts:

The person who will be [fill in the role, e.g. reporter] is the person...

  • With the most (or least) vowels in their full name

  • Whose name comes in first (or last) alphabetically

  • Who last ate…(meat, pizza, etc.)

  • Person who last baked something

  • Whose pet is biggest (or smallest)

  • Birthday is closest to today

  • Whose place of birth is closest (or farthest)

  • Person who woke up earliest/latest

  • Whose bedtime yesterday was earliest (or latest)

Send us your ideas! Have you had a prompt that you like to choose a group role? Suggest them here to add to our list (with attribution):