Our Book

We are delighted to announce the arrival of our book on Inclusive Teaching. On this page you will find some resources to accompany the book and information on hosting us for a Q&A.

West Virginia University Press offers a standing 30% discount on orders of 10 or more copies of our book, which you can get with code HIGHEREDBULK30 at checkout on the press's site: https://wvupressonline.com/node/910.

Read an interview with us about our book or listen to a podcast interview on Teaching in Higher Ed about our book.

Book Information

Inclusive Teaching

Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom


In a book written by and for college teachers, Kelly Hogan and Viji Sathy provide tips and advice on how to make all students feel welcome and included. They begin with a framework describing why explicit attention to structure enhances inclusiveness in both course design and interactions with and between students. Inclusive Teaching then provides practical ways to include more voices in a series of contexts: when giving instructions for group work and class activities, holding office hours, communicating with students, and more. The authors finish with an opportunity for the reader to reflect on what evidence to include in a teaching dossier that demonstrates inclusive practices.

The work of two highly regarded specialists who have delivered over a hundred workshops on inclusive pedagogy and who contribute frequently to public conversations on the topic, Inclusive Teaching distills state-of-the-art guidance on addressing privilege and implicit bias in the college classroom. It seeks to provide a framework for individuals and communities to ask, Who is being left behind and what can teachers do to add more structure?


"These strengths make Inclusive Teaching compelling and critical. Given the urgent need to promote justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in our communities, the book is a must-read for all who are in a position to better support inclusive teaching inside and outside the classroom.

Jeremy L Hsu Book Review in Science Magazine

"An important and necessary contribution to the conversation about teaching that is happening now, both postpandemic and in the wake of ongoing protests about racism in our society. The overall tone is one of compassion and deep understanding of what teaching entails and how to make it better for both instructor and student.”

Cyndi Kernahan, author of Teaching about Race and Racism in the College Classroom

Discussion Prompts for book clubs

Did you use this book on your campus to discuss inclusive teaching or are you considering it? We have some questions to help get discussions going. We would love for you to add your ideas. Help crowdsource prompts and activities here:

Want us to come visit your reading group?

  • Book Club/Reading Circle visits. (One hour); typically Zoom.

If your campus has chosen our book for a book club, thank you! If you would like to bring us to your concluding event we have some more information and ideas for structuring the session here.

  • We would love to hear from you. Tag us on social media and use #InclusiveTeaching.

  • Virtually introduce us to your campus! Hold up your copy of the book in the setting you teach and share a little something about your campus, students, or colleagues and use #InclusiveTeaching.