One year in...

It's the one-year anniversary of Beckie Supiano's piece in the Chronicle of Higher Education featuring our inclusive teaching methods. We thought it was a good time to share a bit about this past year, our plans for the upcoming year, and what we have learned from our experiences on many campuses.

What have we learned?

Over the past year, we visited a variety of campuses (land grants, community colleges, Ivy Leagues, small liberal arts, system events, etc.), and our message resonated with educators and administrators across all types of institutions. Our hosts included specific departments, as well as campus centers. Teaching inclusively is a priority for so many campuses, and we're heartened to learn that the ideas we've shared apply to any discipline at any institution committed to student success.


This past year we fielded over 70 invitations to institutions and conferences. We would have loved to accept every one of these invitations but we both still teach hundreds of students weekly and work with faculty on our campus administratively. We traveled as much as our schedules would allow (30,712 miles plus 5,566 virtual miles via webinars!) and visited more than a dozen schools and conferences. In fact, Viji jokes this is the college tour she wasn't able to have as a high school student.

We have some speaking engagements lined up for academic year 2019-2020. We hope to see you at:

  • POD (November) Please let us know if you will be there, we’d love to connect. Also, if you have colleagues you want us to connect with, please put us in touch!
  • NITOP (January) Consider sending your faculty to this wonderful conference. We are invited speakers for the event.


We had a few plane rides to collaboratively reflect and write about:

Furthermore, we published some peer-reviewed works related to projects on our campus:

  • Viji has co-authored a piece in Science on a program aimed at inclusive excellence in STEM. She's also tried her hand at science communication through The Conversation to distill the results of the study to a broader audience.
  • Kelly has co-authored a piece in Learning and Instruction about how learning analytics can identify struggling students in active learning science classrooms.

We are thrilled to announce that we have a few more writing projects in the works:

Teaching Tip!

At the end of every session we ask participants to reflect and tell us something they will do related to inclusive teaching. The answers vary greatly, but one of the most popular (drumroll...) is: making sure to pause and moderate the silent thinking time for the Think-Pair-Share.

Connect with us!

Find us on twitter! Stay in touch and share your efforts on inclusive teaching with us.

Viji Sathy

Kelly Hogan

Email us at:

Find us at the POD conference this year or inquire about bringing us to your campus in the future.