
History of Impact

Impact Youth Camp began in 1998 as a conversation between Pastor Gary George of Southbridge, MA and Pastor Ed Moore of Queens, NY. After discussing how they could get their church youth groups together for fellowship, Ed suggested meeting at a college campus in the Boston area. After negotiating with Eastern Nazarene College in Quincy, MA, a small camp was born with 36 kids.

In the second year, Youth Pastor Alec Millen named the gathering "Camp Impact." The name stuck! In following years, campers and staff from other churches joined as the word spread. Impact eventually moved from Quincy to meet in Brimfield, then Charlton, and now finally at Camp Sentinel in Tuftonboro, NH. In the past few years, Impact registration has been at full capacity with over 180 campers and staff traveling from 10 different states.

Our story continues with the addition of many new campers and extensive preparations for the best camp experience ever!

What is Camp Impact?

Camp Impact is a week of summer camp for high school and junior high students. It is guaranteed to be a fun and entertaining experience. Each day is full of activities ranging from rock climbing, swimming, hiking, zip lining, and much more! Teams also enjoy daily athletic competitions and an active schedule. At Camp Impact, we see great value in building strong, Christ-centered relationships. Our camp fosters friendships that will last a lifetime, our staff is made up of men and women who have real life experience in youth ministry, and our counselors are always intentional to seek out deep and meaningful conversations that will point the campers to Jesus Christ.

What is our mission?

The aim of Impact Youth Camp is to proclaim the truth about God in such a way that young Christians will grow and unsaved students will be saved. Each day the students will have two opportunities to gather together for a time of worship. This time of worship opens with a time of singing to the Lord, followed by a speaker who comes to preach from the Bible.

Afterwards, students gather with their teams for a time of discussion to make sure that they are understanding and applying the message that they just heard. This is the heart of our camp.

We believe that the gospel is of first importance. The gospel is the good news about the person and work of Jesus Christ. We have seen God use this camp to do great things in the lives of our students and in the advancing of His kingdom.