Love Stories

Passion, romance, and deep attachment form the bonds of love, an emotion so strong that people move far and to foreign places to be with or stay with someone they love. Many migration stories are love stories about two people forging a new life together. 

Goldie and Moreshwar Nadkarni, c. 1950 (Photo from the Nadkarni family)

These stories often begin on college campuses, with work and travel abroad,  or during wartime. Other stories start with the hope that love will come later such as in arranged marriages or marriages built on the hope of a better future. The challenges presented in immigration love and marriage stories include culture shock, homesickness, legal hurdles, and discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, and nationality. Immigration love and marriage stories often become family origin tales and mark the beginnings of generations of American families.

Explore the following stories on the theme of immigration and love: