Family Reunification

Though the reasons behind the decision to leave one's home country do not always involve personal choice, immigrating in order to rejoin or create a family does often involve an intentional decision. Reuniting with family provides the support system for rebuilding a life in a new nation, and it also contributes to more stable communities where family members can rely on one another.

U.S. immigration law allows for reunification of immediate family members, limited to children, spouses, parents, and siblings who meet specific criteria. Many immigrants enter the U.S. under different immigration laws or circumstances and then choose to live with or near family in Montgomery County.

The county’s stories of family reunification also include those of adopted children from around the world. Frequently these children are survivors of conflict, devastating poverty, and forbidden relationships. Repeatedly through time, the county has embraced and supported these children and their new families.

Explore the following stories on the theme of immigration and family: