Flames of Freedom

The audio of 'Flames of Freedom.'

General George Washington was arugably the most important and most famous person of the American Revolution, and was essential in his role in the United States Consitution and his shaping of the role of the Presidency. However, he had some close calls. This story shows an alternate of if he had died on a British prison ship after being capturing following the Battle of Long Island (aka the Battle of Brooklyn Heights)

Monarchs in the American Republics

New Britain (formerly the Commonwealth of New England)

  • House of Adams:

      • King John I (1789-1826)

      • During King John I's reign, New England became New Britain

      • King John II (1826-1838)

      • In 1838, the marriage of John II to Angelica I of the American Empire caused the nations to merge, ending the House of Adams.

The Republic of America (formerly American Empire, which in turn was formerly New York)

  • House of Hamilton:

      • Emperor Alexander I (1789-1835)

      • During the reign of Alexander I, the Kingdom of New York became the Atlantic Empire at the request of then-King Alexander I.

      • Empress Angelica I (1835-1838)

      • In 1838, the marriage of John II to Angelica I caused the nations to merge, ending the House of Hamilton.

  • House of Hamilton-Adams

      • Emperor John II and Empress Angelica I (1838-1848)

      • Emperor John III (1848-1863)

      • In 1863, John III was assassinated and the Republic of America took power. The Monarchs retained power as figureheads in a Constitutional Monarchy. John IV was crowned King.

      • King John IV (1863-

Atlantic Empire (formerly New Jersey)

  • House of Livingston

    • King William I (1789-1792)

    • Queen Sarah I (Crowned King: King John I (House of Jay)) (1792-1804)

    • Line ended with a coup that removed the Kingdom of New Jersey and formed the Atlantic Empire

  • House of Franklin

    • King William II (1804-1811)

    • Line ended with the loss of the Atlantic War, the Atlantic Empire was split between the Kingdom of Pennsylvania and the American Empire


  • House of Franklin

    • King Benjamin I (1787-1792)

    • Queen Sarah I (Crowned King: Richard I, House of Bache) (1792-1811)

    • King Benjamin II (1811-1826)

    • King Benjamin III (1826-1853) abdicated, died in 1854.

    • King Benjamin IV (1853-1871)


  • House of Jefferson

    • King Thomas I (1787-1826)

    • Queen Martha I (Crowned King: Thomas II, House of Randolph, through 1843, Henry I, from 1843) (1826-1848)

Commonwealth of Carolina and Georgia

  • House of Marion (South Carolina)

    • King Francis I (1787-1795)

    • Queen Mary I (1795)

    • Line of Marion ended with Queen Mary I marrying King Hugh I of North Carolina, merging the Kingdoms

  • House of Williamson (North Carolina)

    • King Hugh I (1787-1795)

    • Line of Williamson ended with King Hugh I marrying Queen Mary I of North Carolina, merging the Kingdoms.

  • House of Baldwin

    • King Abraham I (1789-1801)

    • Line of Baldwin ended in the assassination of King Abraham I in the Georgian-Floridan War. The monarchs of the Kingdom of the Carolina where installed by the Georgian Parliament

  • House of Williamson-Marion

    • King Hugh I (1795-1819)

    • King Hugh II (1819-1844)

    • Queen Mary II (Crowned King: King John I, through 1850, King Jefferson I, from 1850) (1844-1870)

    • The Commonwealth became a Republic after the peaceful death of Mary II and Jefferson I.

Kingdom of Texas

  • The Texan Government elected a former Commonwealth official their first King

  • House of Houston

    • Samuel I (1850-1871)

  • Annexed by the United States by marriage.

Monarchs of New Britain and New England



