Photo Moderation Guidelines

Please review each image based on the below guidelines and flag images as appropriate within the HIT.

A summary of the guidelines is provided, with details and example images below.

If you are unsure whether or not to flag an image, follow the "When in doubt" guidance located in each example section.

Rejection Reasons

  • Is a close up of a flower or plant.
  • Shows highly sexual content, bloody violence, or offensive gestures
  • Contains a nude person (swimsuits OK unless they are risquĂ©)
  • Contains culturally insensitive content
  • Is a montage (multiple separate pictures made into one)
  • Is a close-up of people (e.g., selfies, people as primary focus of photo without much context of surroundings)
  • Contains copyright text or symbols
  • Has a border
  • Is incorrectly rotated
  • Has text or a logo on the image (non-copyright text only; copyright is indicated separately)
  • Is a map, logo, or illustration (in other words, not a photograph; floorplans are permitted as an exception)
  • Is truly black and white or sepia (photos with even some amount of color are OK)
  • Is exceptionally blurry or pixelated
  • Contains an identifiable child
  • Is broken

Is a close up of a flower or plant

Flag any image which is an extreme close up of a flower or plant, without greater context.

Images of flowers and plants which are in a larger context are okay.

When in doubt, do not flag the image.

Contains highly sexual content, bloody violence, or offensive gestures

Please identify images containing sexually-suggestive content, bloody violence, or offensive gestures or objects.

When in doubt, flag the image.

Contains a nude person

Please flag images containing nudity.

Swimsuits and artwork are okay.

When in doubt, flag the image.

This image is too revealing for a spa photograph and should be rejected.

This photo should be rejected because it displays a bare buttocks.

Contains Culturally Insensitive Content

Images that contain culturally insensitive content should be flagged.

Culturally insensitive content can fall under the following categories:

    • Racially Offensive imagery
    • Racially insensitive imagery
    • Imagery that marginalizes a culture

Is a montage

A montage contains multiple photos in one image file. Please reject all montage images.

When in doubt, do not flag the image.

Is focused on an individual person

Images, such as selfies, where people are the primary focus of a photo without much context of surroundings.

When in doubt, do not flag the image.

Has a border

Some borders can be very thin and difficult to detect. in the HIT template, we display images on top of a grey background so that thin white borders can be more easily spotted.

Both of these sample images contain a border.

When in doubt, flag the image.

Incorrectly Rotated

If an image is oriented incorrectly, select this option.

This sample image needs rotation.

When in doubt, flag the image.

Has text, logo, or copyright overlayed

Overlays can be very faint, and located anywhere on the image, so please look carefully.

All of these sample images contain a text, logo, or copyright overlay.

When in doubt, flag the image.

Is not a photograph

Flag any image which is a map, logo, illustration, or in any way not a photograph.

Exception: floorplans.

When in doubt, flag the image.

Is black and white or sepia

Only select this option if the image is truly black and white or monochrome.

Images that are desaturated or contain mostly black and white tones should not be flagged.

When in doubt, do not flag the image.

Is exceptionally blurry, pixelated or of very poor quality

If an image has excessive pixelation or is completely blurry, select this option.

If an image simply has a shallow depth of field, do not select this option.

When in doubt, do not flag the image.

Contains identifiable children

Use your best judgement. If you think you could identify a child in the photo, reject the image.

When in doubt, flag the image.

Broken images

In the event that the file is broken, please reject.

When in doubt, flag the image.