Ignite Options

Pathway options Process

We would normally do options evening in our beautiful cinema. But if 2020 and 2021 have taught us anything, it is how to get round these things. So welcome to your Virtual Ignite Pathway Options Process.

Monday 10th may

The Process

Jill explains the Year 9 Ignite Pathway Options Process. Please watch this with your parent or carer. Click here for Jill's video

All students study ALL the core subjects. Click here to explore our Core Subjects

Tuesday 11th may

Ask the Expert - Pathway choices.

Students have the opportunity to choose 2 pathway options.

Click here from 4pm for the zoom links to join a Q&A with subject leads and find out more about these choices.

thursday 13th may

Completing your Form.

If you are ready to choose, you can complete and return your form, or click here at 5pm to join the Q&A to ask any questions.