
Wendy Deras

Regional Industry Sector Manager


Hosted at: College of the Desert

The State – The Health Workforce Initiative (HWI) is a program of the Workforce and Economic Development division of the California Community College Chancellor’s Office. Their mission is to promote the advancement of California’s health care workforce though quality education and services. The HWI Regional Directors are tasked with identifying health care workforce needs and cultivating solutions by fostering communication and collaboration between the health care industry and education systems. HWI helps our colleges respond effectively to changing workforce needs.

The Region – The Health Regional Industry Sector Manager, Health, is facilitating strategic regional planning for program offerings to meet the needs of students and industry. The Regional Centers of Excellence continues to assess the region for the needs which guides program development. Two Strong Workforce funded projects continue to improve the Health Sector in the region. The Healthcare Educator Bootcamp has trained over 400 healthcare providers, to both faculty and working healthcare professionals in the region. The Clinical Placement Coordinator project continues to support a clinical placement coordinator at each college and address regional issues in clinical placement for healthcare programs. 

IEDRC Staff - In addition to her role as the region’s ISM for Health, Wendy is the Regional Director for the Health Workforce Initiative. She has dedicated the last 27 years to safe and competent patient care, teaching, curriculum design, management, and leadership in the nursing field. She holds two advanced degrees, a Master of Science in Nursing specializing in education; and a second Master of Science in Psychiatric/Mental. Health Therapy in which she holds a certified nurse specialist license. Wendy has worked in private and public institutions as faculty and administration. She has a passion for workforce development and strives to bring together the resources of funding, trainers, education institutions and employers to deliver a more qualified workforce to the Inland Empire/Desert region and believes that the power of education can transform lives, businesses and the community.