

  • Try to work in pairs or groups – it’s always great to have a second set of ears to pick up on mistakes. It also helps you keep a natural tone.

  • Paint pictures with your words: Try and make facts and figures come alive with your language, for example "twice as high as the CN Tower," or "enough water to fill 3 swimming pools. "

  • Read the text/script before you record it – it helps to know what you’re reading. If you’re a wonderfully expressive reader who conveys the text well, you’ll also convey your confusion whenever you’re lost. Some folks will read over a page, record it, pause the recorder or save the recording (safer), read over the next page, record that one, and so on.

  • Take your time; allow pauses between sentences and paragraphs.

  • A relaxed steady pace helps you to form the full sounds of the words.

  • Try for a steady volume level by speaking up, as if your listener is sitting across a table from you, and keeping a steady distance from your mic (not closer, farther, closer).

  • Modulate your voice — give it life! But don’t over-modulate your voice — give it truth!

  • Test first – make sure you’re not too close or too far from the microphone. Every time you record, say a couple sentences and check how it sounds.

  • Place your microphone at an angle to your mouth, so your breath doesn’t hit the mic full on (making p-p-p-plosives).

  • Turn off your phone (unless you are recording with it!) and shut your door — enjoy yourself!

  • When you make a mistake, pause a moment, and start again at the beginning of the sentence/paragraph — edit the mistake out later, after you have finished recording.

  • Beware of having your headphones too loud as it may cause you to speak more quietly.

Adapted from "Basic Advice about Reading" from Librivox and "Narration Tips" from the Seneca Sandbox.Image: Radio presenter by Grégory Montigny, FR from the Noun Project.

Feel like you need to work on your vocal technique?

Watch this video for tips on training your voice:
