Choosing the Right Location

Choosing the right location to record your audio is important, and is not just about making sure there isn't noise coming from outside. It is recommended to record in a space away from hard surfaces, and ideally with soft surfaces around your recording device like pillows or blankets.

Below are some audio samples recorded with different setups, so that you may hear the difference between ideal and non-ideal locations and setups.

Recording with No Special Treatment

Recording on a phone's onboard microphone in a room with no treatment.


Recording on a laptop's onboard microphone in a room with no treatment.

Recording on a dedicated microphone in a room with no treatment.

BSM, Middle of a room, no soundproofing .mp3

Recording with Pillows around Your Device

Recording on a phone's onboard microphone with pillows surrounding the device.


Recording on a laptop's onboard microphone with pillows surrounding the device.

Recording on a dedicated microphone with pillows surrounding the device.

BSM, pillows.mp3

Recording in a Closet

Recording on a phone's onboard microphone in a closet.

closet rec.mp3

Recording on a laptop's onboard microphone in a closet.


Recording on a dedicated microphone in a closet.

BSM, closet.mp3

Recording in a Bathroom

Some locations are not ideal. For example, listen to these recordings made in a bathroom to hear how the tiled surfaces affect the sound quality.

Recording on a phone's onboard microphone in the bathroom.


Recording on laptop's onboard microphone in the bathroom.


Recording on a dedicated microphone in the bathroom.

BSM, bathroom.mp3

Other Non-Ideal Recording Spaces

Recording near an open window.

Recording near a running fan.

Recording outdoors.

IMAGES: clothing By Thomas Le Bas, NZ , Laptop By Sherrinford, FR , cellphone By i cons, US , pillows By Victoruler , Microphone By Vectors Point, PK , window By CINDYFLA, ID , Fan By Aaron K. Kim, US ,ban By Yo! Baba, AU , voice record By Lero Keller, RU , street By Flatart, PK