Creating a Transcript

Creating a Transcript

It is important to make your podcast available in multiple formats so that it can be enjoyed by as many people as possible.

There are many tools that can create a transcript from an audio file, and these vary in price and functionality. One easy option for people with Office365 access is to use the web version of Microsoft Word.  This option is free to all Humber and Guelph-Humber students.


3. Search for "Transcribe" in Word's search bar.

4. Select the "Transcribe" action.

5. Click on upload Audio and upload your podcast file (Word accepts .mp3, .wav, and even .mp4 videos).

4. Wait for the file to upload and transcribe. This can take a few minutes.

5. When the transcription has finshed, choose one of the options from the "Add to Document" list. You cna choose to include timestamps and distinguish between speakers.

6. It is a good idea to read through the transcript to see if there are any errors that need correcting and to format the text with speaker's names, etc.