York Disability Week 2024

 30th November-7th DECEMBER

We're delighted to announce our dates for YDW2024!  We'll be starting to plan for it in earnest in September.

Contact us if you'd like to join our mailing list; get involved with our group that pulls together the programme; or if you're interested in running an event in York Disability Week 2024.  We'll also be sending out our Call for Events in September.

More than 550 people came to our 2023 programmeYou can find separate listings of each 2023 event on the Individual Events List to get a flavour of what happened.

If you want to look through previous years' programmes or 'watch again' some of the events, please go to our Archive page. 


Each year a group of individuals and organisations from across the city, supported by York Human Rights City Network , come together and volunteer their time to help organise York Disability Week.  The week-long programme of activities celebrates United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities here in York.

The UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities is held on 3rd December each year, within Disability History Month. It promotes the human rights and well-being of people who identify as disabled or as having an impairment in all spheres of society and increases awareness of their situation in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life. 

Our annual programme usually includes talks, workshops, musical events, creativity, advice sessions, exhibitions and much more.  We aim for something for all ages, organised by our network of community groups and organisations (see the Links tab).

Please get involved by coming along to the events - and think about volunteering or joining our network!  

Email us on disability@yorkhumanrights.org to join our mailing list or to join our planning/organising group.

The Events Elsewhere page lists related happenings in other towns or cities.

We also have a Resources page of useful documents and videos, including on running online events.  

And we have an Archive page with recordings or materials from past events.