Conference Description

The increasing global demands for greener energy, increased security, and cleaner environment call for development of advanced technologies that can satisfy these natural needs. In turn, technological advances require more complex materials that can be used for practical applications. This increase complexity raises new and interesting challenges in science and engineering of ternary and multinary compounds. Since 1973, the current issues in this area have been addressed in the series of 20 International Conferences on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC).

The ICTMC-21 will cover all topics related to ternary and multinary compounds, across multiple materials chemistries (e.g. chalcogenides, oxides, pnictides) and crystal structures (e.g. chalcopyrites, perovskites). Both fundamental and applied presentation topics will be considered. Fundamental topics will include materials synthesis and characterization, as well as theory and computations. Applications considered include but are not limited to photovoltaics, thermoelectrics, functional materials, electronics, and energy storage.

This year, a particular emphasis will be placed on the special topic of metastable materials such as structural polymorphs or semiconductor alloys, non-equilibrium synthesis techniques, and corresponding theoretical approaches.