21st International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds

Welcome to the 21st International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC-21)!

The ICTMC-21 took place September 9-13, 2018 in Boulder, Colorado, USA, at the foothills of the majestic Rocky Mountains. Click here to find out more

In the tradition set by the prior conferences (since 1973), the ICTMC-21 covered all topics related to ternary and multinary compounds - see Scope for more info. Technical sessions featured invited and contributed presentations, as well as a panel discussion (draft program is available here). The social program included a welcome reception, informal excursions (or free time) and a conference dinner. Selected articles presented at the conference are published in a special issue of physica status solidi. More information about the conference is available though the navigation bar above.

We were excited to welcome you to ICTMC-21 for an interesting and productive meeting!


ICTMC-21 Organizers