Jelizaveta Konstantinova

Dr Jelizaveta Konstantinova is a senior research team leader in the External Collaborations group at Ocado Technology. She holds a PhD in Robotics from King’s College London, her research focused on medical robotics, tactile perception, intelligent grasping and soft robotics. Jelizaveta is leading external research projects and collaborations focusing on long term innovations for th business. She is a PI on Horizon Europe projects Softenable, IntelliMan and SestoSenso. 



Martin Laurenzis

Martin Laurenzis has been a Senior Research Fellow at the Franco-German Research Institute Saint-Louis (ISL), France, since 2004. He received a Master's degree in Physics from TU Dortmund University (1999) and a PhD in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from RWTH Aachen University (2005), both in Germany. After working on semiconductor electronics and optical data storage, his research interests turned to laser-based imaging, with a focus on 3D and computational imaging techniques. Since 2013, he has been working on non-line-of-sight (NLOS) imaging and related topics such as imaging through scattering media. Since 2019, his research interests also include the application of LIDAR in robotics and sparse sensing and reconstruction of the environment. Dr Laurenzis is an expert in the application of single photon countering and is chair and committee member of several international conferences on optical remote sensing.



Peter Andersson Ersman 

Peter Andersson Ersman works with various projects within the fields of printed and organic electronics. The research education at Linköping University initiated the development of printed electrochromic displays and organic electrochemical transistors based on conducting polymers; an education that after the dissertation in 2007 resulted in an employment at Acreo/RISE as a research scientist and project manager. The work has resulted in many journal publications and patent applications on the topic of printed electronics based on organic materials. The research aims at the development of all-printed electronic components and systems, such as passive and active matrix addressed electrochromic displays and logic circuits. The research activities are therefore diverse and are for example consisting of design and characterization of devices and systems, development of manufacturing processes as well as commercialization activities. A lot of efforts are also spent on the development of sustainable electronics, by using biodegradable inks and substrates. The most recent activities are linked to the Sestosenso project, and more specifically the development of all-printed tactile sensors for large-area applications.



Mohsen Kaboli 

Mohsen Kaboli is an assistant professor and principal investigator of the Embedded AI, Robotic, and Tactile Intelligence group at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in the Netherlands. He is also the head of the BMW AI and Robotics research lab and the RoboTac team at BMW Group Center of Invention in Munich, Germany since 2018.

Previously, Dr. Kaboli served as an assistant professor at the Institute for Brain and Cognition, Radboud University in the Netherlands from 2019 to 2022. He has a passion for research at the intersection of Embodied Robotics, Visuo-Tactile Interactive Perception, Machine Learning, and Control, specifically applied to various challenging problems such as Mobile Robotic, Robotic Grasping and Manipulation, and Human-Robot Interaction and Collaboration.

Dr. Kaboli has been an active principal investigator on several European funded research projects, including PHASTRAC (Oscillatory Neural Network based Efficient AI Edge Computing), INTUITIVE (Tactile User Interface), iNavigate (Brain Inspired Perception for Navigation and Mobility), SmartNets, and more.

 Prior to his current positions, Dr. Kaboli was a group leader of tactile robotic and postdoctoral research fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in Germany, from September 2017 to August 2018. He successfully completed his Ph.D. degree with the highest distinction (summa cum laude) in robotics, focusing on tactile perception and learning in robotics from TUM in 2017. His exceptional research work earned him recognition as a finalist for the prestigious Georges Giralt Ph.D. Award, which celebrates the best European Ph.D. thesis in robotics.

 With his extensive expertise in the field, Dr. Kaboli has contributed significantly to the academic community. He has filed approximately 20 patents and authored around 40 journals, proceedings, and editorials. His research, spanning over a decade, has seamlessly bridged multiple domains, most notably tactile intelligence, AI, and robotics. Such contributions led to his recognition as an IEEE Senior Member in 2018 for his outstanding contributions in AI and Robotics. He has also been honored with several outstanding paper awards, including the outstanding paper award for sensor and perception at IEEE ICRA 2023.



Sylvain Calinon 

Dr Sylvain Calinon is a Senior Research Scientist at the Idiap Research Institute and a Lecturer at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). He heads the Robot Learning & Interaction group at Idiap, with expertise in human-robot collaboration, robot learning from demonstration and model-based optimization. The approaches developed in his group can be applied to a wide range of applications requiring manipulation skills, with robots that are either close to us (assistive and industrial robots), parts of us (prosthetics and exoskeletons), or far away from us (shared control and teleoperation). Website: 



Lorenzo Natale 

Lorenzo Natale is Tenured Senior Researcher at the Italian Institute of Technology and coordinator of the Center for Robotics and Intelligent Systems. He received his degree in Electronic Engineering (with honours) and Ph.D. in Robotics from the University of Genoa. He was later postdoctoral researcher at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. He was invited professor at the University of Genova and visiting Professor at the University of Manchester.

Lorenzo Natale has contributed to the development of various humanoid platforms. He was one of the main contributors to the design and development of the iCub platform and has lead the development of the iCub software architecture and the YARP middleware. His research interests range from vision and tactile sensing to software architectures for robotics. He is Specialty Chief Editor for the Humanoid Robotics Section of Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Ellis fellow and Core Faculty of the Ellis Genoa Unit.



Marco Camurri

Marco Camurri is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. His research interests are related to field robotics, autonomous navigation, state estimation, and visual-based locomotion for dynamic ground robots. Previously, he was Senior Research Associate at the Oxford Robotics Institute, University of Oxford where he was one of the main developers of VILENS, a multi-sensor fusion algorithm that won the 2021 HILTI SLAM Challenge (academic track). Before that, he was Post-Doctoral researcher at the Dynamic Legged Systems (DLS) of the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), where he also received his PhD in Advanced robotics in 2017 with a thesis on multisensor fusion on dynamic quadruped robots.