Cooking Robotics: Perception and motion planning 

ICRA 2024 Workshop @Yokohama, Japan

17th May 2024

X(Twitter): @cookingrobotics



In 2023-24, automation in the food industry and daily cooking assistants have gained increasing importance due to labor shortages, economic disparities, and increased hygiene emphasis in the post-COVID world. Additionally, today's diverse society demands personalized gastronomy services.  

Recent technological advancements, such as large language models for control, big data for learning, and highly precise sensors, offer promising solutions to these challenges. However, there are limited opportunities to propose practical applications for these technologies or to provide comprehensive overviews of the associated issues.  

This workshop invites world leading research scientists and practitioners to explore the new frontiers of `robots in cooking’, addressing various scientific research questions, including hardware considerations, key challenges in multimodal perception, motion planning and control, experimental methodologies, and benchmarking approaches. Our workshop will provide a platform for exchanging insights and addressing the challenges of these technologies in real-world settings through the lens of cooking robotics.  

Furthermore, our aim is to bridge the gap between academia, industry, and professionals by inviting chefs, collaborating with a competition, Food Topping Challenge and showcasing tangible robot demonstrations. Participants will engage in interactive sessions to share state-of-the-art technologies and promote further research in the field of cooking robotics. 

Topics of Interest

Unique elements of the workshop


Invited Speakers

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

University of Cambridge

Freelancer chef of "designing the future of the food"

Stanford University

Tohoku University / Finger Vision

Carnegie Mellon University

Panel discussion: Industry ×  Academia

Michael Spranger, SonyAI 

Bridge the gap between industry, and professionals, and discuss the future of cooking robotics. 

Let's share needs and seeds, challenges, and ambitions!!

Collaboration with "Food Topping Challenge" Competition

Yuki Nakagawa et al, RT Corporation

In their competition, some teams will challenge two cooking tasks: "A fried chicken pick and place to tray on conveyors" and "Serving Bowl meal, the Ikura Don." They will compete for speed, accuracy, visual quality, and the amount of food loss and cost.

We invite awarded teams to present and demonstrate their splendid works!

Make a revolution in food automation!!

Real robot demonstrations

Live tele-operation of Nextage

THEO, the Baumkuchen cake baking robot

Table wiping demonstration with Dry-AIREC

Important Dates

Call for Participation (Closed)

We encourage participants to submit their research in the form of a video (180 sec) and a short (1-4 pages, excluding references) paper. We welcome contributors from academia, industry and professionals!!

Please check the detail in Call for contributions page. (Closed)

    Please check the lists of accepted papers in Accepted works.


The University of Edinburgh, The Alan Turing Institute, and Waseda University

The University of Tokyo

Tatsuya Matsushima

The University of Tokyo

The University of Tokyo

Marina Y. Aoyama

The University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh and The Alan Turing Institute


Endorsed by the IEEE-RAS Technical Committies for