Call for Contributions

Call for Contributions / Abstracts & Full papers

The ICPE2018 organizing committee is delighted to announce that the First International Conference on Press-in Engineering (ICPE) will take place from September 19 (Wed.) and 20th (Thu.), 2018 in Kochi, Japan.

Growing necessity for maintenance and renovation of complexed urban infrastructures and the increasing vulnerability to natural disasters in developed countries, as well as the urgent demand for quantitative expansion of basic infrastructures in developing countries in Asia and other regions, are the challenges that the present global society is faced with. Under the unstable economic situation surrounding the world, infrastructures and their construction processes have to be rationalized.

Potential for providing solutions for these challenges can be found in the Press-in Method, featured by its environmental friendliness by the use of hydraulic static loads and its spatial efficiency associated with the self-walking function. To fulfill this, an interdisciplinary academic field - Press-in Engineering- is essential, where sharing of knowledge among the fragmented processes of planning, investigation, design and construction are integrated and the engineers who are engaged in developing construction machines and construction techniques, improving the accuracy and productivity of the construction process as well as conducting the construction itself, are encouraged to closely communicate. This international conference is the specific activity to expand this academic field, to be held in Kochi where the Press-in Method was originated.

The theme and contribution topics of the coming conference are:

1. Disaster prevention in coastal areas, mountainous areas or others (countermeasure against tsunami/

erosion control/slopes/others) related to press-in, retaining walls, deep foundations or others

2. Renovation or development of infrastructures (road/railway/adjacent construction/ underground construction/

rural engineering/others) related to press-in, retaining walls, deep foundations or others

3. Construction machines or devices for better productivity (automation/others) related to press-in, retaining walls,

deep foundations or others

4. Methods or case studies of project evaluation related to press-in, retaining walls, deep foundations or others

* Papers both on academic issues (fundamental research) or on practical issues (construction examples).

Submission types - Abstract

The abstract should be written in English within 400 words with 12pt fonts, explaining clearly the background, objectives, methodology and results if any. There is no limitation for the number of authors. The deadline for submitting the abstract is October 15, 2017. After the review process, notification of acceptance will be made by November 15, 2017.

Submission types - Full paper

The number of pages should either be 8 or 6. There is no limitation for the number of authors. The abstract should consist of 1 paragraph within 200 words, with the font size of 10pt. The minimum and the maximum number of keywords are 3 and 5. The font size of the text should also be 10pt. The list of references must be arranged in an alphabetical order based on the first author’s surname. Figures and tables are to be placed in the end of the paper, with the minimum resolution and font size of 300dpi and 9pt respectively. The width of the figures and tables may be greater than the width of one column. The font size of the captures of figures or tables should be 9pt. The font type should be Times New Roman throughout the paper, except for the letters in figures. The deadline for submitting the full paper is March 15, 2018. The full paper will be peer reviewed and the results will be notified by May 10, 2018. The submission of the revised camera ready paper must be completed by June 15, 2018.

The formats of both abstracts and full papers can be downloaded on the following IPA website;-

We look forward to your contributions!