
Schedule for Summer Workshops

SIPI has organized the following three workshops for the First TCU Advanced Manufacturing Summer Institute (TCU AMTSI) participants. The following workshops are offered for the faculty, project leaders, team leaders and students participating in the summer institute. The NCAT and UTSA TECHLAV center teams also plan to attend.

  • Tuesday July 25: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Introduction to Robot Operating system (ROS )

Offered by the TECHLAV DoD Center of Excellence-North Carolina A&T University (NCAT) team

  • Wednesday July 26: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

( In parallel with the NCAT ROS workshop) Introduction to Cloud-based Robotics

Offered by the TECHLAV DoD Center of Excellence- The University of Texas in San Antonio (UTSA) team

  • Thursday July 27 - Friday July 28: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Introduction to Testing and Evaluation (T&E)

Offered by Dr. Tim Scully and the Booz Allen Hamilton ( BAH) company team

These three state of the art and hands-on workshops mandatory for the TCU AMTSI participating students. The workshops are presented by top experts in the field of autonomous vehicles and testing and evaluation of autonomy.

ROS Workshop Agenda.pdf
BAH T&E Workshop Agenda.pdf

Introduction to Robot Operating System and to Cloud-based Robotics

What is ROS? How does it work? These questions are the basis of this workshop. Students will work through several activities throughout the day to learn more about Robot Operating System by programming in Python and C++ as well as setting up the HUSKY robot in the Gazeebo simulator.

On day two of this workshop, more advanced topics in the simulator will be covered such as joystick control, camera vision, and sensor utilization to aid exploration with the HUSKY robot.

Instructed by Wendell Bates (PhD/NCAT), Dr. Karimoddini (NCAT), and coordinated by Dr. Karimoddini (NCAT), Dr. Vadiee (SIPI), and Dr. Homaifar (NCAT).

Introduction to Testing and Evaluation

The Booz-Allen-Hamilton (BAH) company is offering a two-day T&E Boot Camp on SIPI campus on July 27-28, 2017. Twenty students from five tribal colleges, who are participating in the AIHEC 2017 Advanced Manufacturing Technology Summer Institute, are attending the BAH T&E Boot Camp. A team of two graduate students from the University of Texas in San Antonio (UTSA), a team of two professors and a graduate student from North Carolina A&T University, two graduate students from the University of New Mexico, along with five interns from BAH are also attending the two-day T&E Boot Camp.

The first BAH T&E Boot Camp was offered in 2015. This year's T&E workshop was organized by Mr. Dion Smith, the senior scientist, member of BAH. The workshop was co-presented by Dr. Tim Scully, Mr. Scott Marshal, and Mr. Dion Smith.