Fundraising & Give-Backs

Fundraising is only a fraction of what we do. We are thrilled you're thinking about supporting our school. Our 2023-2024 fundraising goals include purchasing a digital marquee sign for the school, supporting curriculum and enrichment opportunities, and providing teacher grants to support classroom activities. We're proud to be able to keep the funds we raise where they belong - in our school.   

Keep an eye out for our 2023-2024 school year fundraisers.

We'll announce our programs in August/September once school begins!

Sponsorship Opportunities

Giveback Program

Corporate Matching Programs

The Island Creek PTA is reaching out to neighboring business to strengthen the relationship and communication between our families, students, and business partners. Your contribution is tax deductible and supports our PTA's programs.

Have questions? Reach out to Jodi at

Join the movement on Givebacks and earn cashback for you and Island Creek Elementary School PTA! 

1) Sign up:

2) Select Island Creek PTA as your charity of choice.

3) Link your credit cards to your account.

4) Givebacks will automatically apply givebacks to Island Creek PTA based on what you buy! There is no cost to you to participate!

Givebacks are a great way to support ICES PTA throughout your day!

Corporate Matching Gift Programs” match cash donations made by their employees (parents) to non-profit organizations. Take advantage of this “Matching” opportunity and your Island Creek Elementary School contributions can easily be doubled! This is very easy and provides a substantial amount of extra donations to help our wonderful school.

How do I get the corporate matching funds? Many Fortune 1000 companies offer a “matching gift program.” If you are not sure if your company participates please contact your employer’s human resources department.  Most programs are accessed via the companies Intranet. To apply for the program you must simply fill out the form from your employer and your employer will contact the PTA for verification or ask you to submit the form through your PTA contact which can be found below.   

Please take advantage of this opportunity. It is a win-win for the children at Island Creek Elementary. If you have any additional questions please contact –

Below is the information that you will need to apply for the corporate matching gift programs:

Our organization Name: Island Creek Elementary School PTA

IRS Tax-exempt 501(c)(3): 74-3095488 

Address of donation: 7855 Morning View Ln, Alexandria, VA 22315-5012

PTA contact: Courtney Walker, Treasurer

PTA Treasurer:

Hardcopy forms can be submitted at the front office.  Please label them PTA Corporate Matching.