Contact Us

Have a question about a particular PTA program or event? 

Go straight to the source using our Executive Board email addresses below.

Executive Board Members 2023-2024 

Jodi VanWoerkom, President -

Courtney Walker, Treasurer - 

Corinne Kunkel, Secretary - 

Social Media



Mailing Address

ATTN: Island Creek PTA

7855 Morning View Ln.

Alexandria, VA 22315


Island Creek Elementary is a wonderful school because parents and staff work together for the good of the students.  This could not be accomplished without parental support and the volunteer contributions of parents just like you! Job descriptions for PTA board and committee chair roles are listed below.  To get you started, here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions:

What does the PTA do for the school?

The PTA works with parents and faculty to organize and facilitate events both during and after school hours that serve to enrich our children's educational experiences and build a stronger community. Some of the programs PTA helps support include: field trips, teacher professional development, classroom supplies, and after-school activities.

Why should I serve on the PTA board?

     1. Your child feels a sense of pride to know that his/her parent holds an office.

     2. You get to meet and work with wonderful people!

     3. You stay updated and informed on what is going on at our school.

     4. You can more effectively suggest change at our school.

     5. Everyone has different strengths and talents. Everyone has something unique to offer our school and our children!

When are the PTA Board elections held?

PTA elections are each May for the following next school year. A special election can be held during a General Membership meeting for those interested in joining the board at a later date (based on position availability).

Can I be a board member and work full time?

Yes! Many of our members hold a full or part time job.

Do I have to be a parent to serve on the board?

No! We love to have moms, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles and anyone who cares about Island Creek Elementary and the students who attend here. However, you do need to be a member of the PTA to serve on the board. 

Does it take a lot of time?

Yes and no--it depends on the position. Some duties can be performed from home and some require your presence at the school. Some positions are seasonal and some require some effort for most of the year.  Some positions work well if you decide to do them with a friend.  Explore which position would be right for you. The time you donate to actively participate in your child's school is time well spent. It shows our children that we care about what they do every day.

PTA Roles and Responsibilities

We still have some shoes to fill. 

If you can help in any of the following capacities, please send an email to  

GENERAL PTA MEMBER (membership dues of $10)

Minimum Time Commitment: 1 hour/mo

PRESIDENT        (executive board member)

Minimum Time Commitment: Undetermined (1-year commitment)

TREASURER    (executive board member)

 Minimum Time Commitment: 3 hours/month (1-year commitment)

SECRETARY      (executive board member) (1-year commitment)

 Minimum Time Commitment: 3 hours/month

If you are interested in helping out as a committee chair or co-chair, please sign up here or contact the PTA President at  

Additionally, please contact the PTA President if you wish to propose a program/event for the PTA to offer to our students.