Approaches to Learning (ATL)and Teaching

Useful readings

Conceptual framework for the study of everything_Brady.pdf
Teaching Information Literacy Now.pdf
Best Apps for Teaching and Learning.pdf
The Future for Teaching and Learning.pdf
Good guiding question.pdf

Useful websites

The Relevant Educator

John Zola

The Art of Learning - Lance King's website has a huge range of ATL resources

The Excited Educator - Lenny Dutton has many fabulous resources for ATL skills and MYP Personal Projects on her site, including the ATL Toolkit below.

Useful videos

Enhanced PYP Approaches to Learning

Enhanced PYP AtLs Matrix with explanation 2 page @OrenjiButa.pdf
Enhanced PYP AtLs Matrix ICONS ONLY 1 page @OrenjiButa.pdf
Enhanced AtLs Cards by @OrenjiButa.pdf

Resources from Suzanne Kitto, Twitter @orenjibuta