Fun Assignments

Occasionally, students will do tutorial based training and visit links provided to them, such as the Food Web for our Science Class.

Feel free to browse this site using Chrome so you have an experience similar to your child in the classroom. Enjoy!

We will also explore China during the week of Chinese New Year using a fun tutorial based website called ChinaQuest. Feel free to join in on our adventures: learning Mandarin, taking a tour using Google Maps, researching the history of China, studying the traditions and celebrations of the Chinese culture. They will create a brochure to entice you or someone else to visit China as a final product.

For Antarctica, we will study the harsh reality that Shackleton and his men endured on their voyage. The students will also create a play and take on roles for our grand production later this year.

Fifth grade has Chromebooks this year and we will implement activities through Google Classroom assignments. Here is an example of what an assignment would look like. Click on the Preferred Learning Style icon.