Online Activities

by Subject


  1. Dreambox :

Have students log onto the district portal and use log-in: This website is used during interventions while other students were being retaught or enriched to fill in their gaps. It offers rewards along the way as they learn/master a concept and is at their appropriate level. Students must finish a section prior to logging off or the work won’t save.

2. Math Playground:

This free website allows the students to review math concepts such as multiplication and division word problems with brain breaks built into the program. The site is fun, gives immediate feedback, and provides a reward once they reach their goal.

The free site can be used to extend basic arithmetic, but also move towards algebraic thinking while reviewing adding and subtracting equations. This site is useful for students because it gives immediate feedback and allows them to fix and resubmit their answers. It is engaging because it uses colors and patterns to introduce the algebraic thinking.

3. Fill the cup

This App can be used to practice math computation skills such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, even fractions. It includes four games, but the best part is that it uses manipulatives to assist with math facts. Available on IPad.

4.Motion Math Zoom

The free App allows the user to review number-lines with using concrete objects as manipulatives for abstract thinking. The students will be engaged from sound effects to the lively characters. Available on IPad.

5. Einstein Math Academy

This free App can be used as a supplemental tool to practice arithmetic skills: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. I would use this site for review sessions because of the timer aspect. The students will be engaged by the motivational piece: gold & silver pieces. Available on Android products.

6. Kids Math

This free App can be used to teach students concepts for math ranging from K-5th grade. Students answer a variety of questions with a timer and advance if they answer correctly. Available on Android products.

7. Cool Math:

This free site allows students from Pre-K and up to practice their math and science skills. They have access to games with fun characters and lessons in fractions, geometry, algebra, etc.

8. FASTT Math Next Generation

This product is a math intervention program through Scholastic that allows students to gain fluency/automaticity through systematic teaching. There are a few games available: Stretch to Go (advanced students), Timez Attack (multiplication facts) and Big Brainz (Addition/Subtract/Division) to modify for the variety in range in the classroom. Available on iOS and Android products.

9. AAA Math:

This free site allows students to use their interactive math lessons to practice arithmetic. There are thousands of lessons to choose from.


1. Journeys:

Have students log onto the portal and use log-in: Journeys is the district textbook for ELA. We left off on Lesson 21. Under the tab- Student Resources:

  • Audio Hub: students can listen/read our stories (textbook).
  • Reader’s Notebook: pages that tie to the story, assists with conventions and offers explanations of activities along with examples.
  • Leveled readers: related to the current story, but are adapted by their current reading level: green, blue, purple.
  • Trade books: novels at 5th grade reading level.

2. Lexia:

Have students log onto the portal and use log-in: Lexia is a district supported program for reading. It will be new for most of the students, but will meet their gaps after the initial 20 minute assessment to place them.

3. Books should be free:

This free site allows the public to listen to books (audiobooks and ebooks). The product must be used with iPhone, Kindle, or mp3 players.

4. Project Gutenberg:

This free site allows students to read from a collection of over 38,000 ebooks, such as Shakespeare. Available: epub books, kindle books, downloadable books, or books to simply read online.

5. Paideia:

This free site includes lesson plans for the teacher to organize Socratic dialogue, especially useful for the AVID schools. This allows the students to generate ideas about text and contribute to dialogues using higher level thinking prompts for conversations. There are more than 70 texts available to choose from.

6. Reading A-Z & RAZ-KIDS:

This site has some free resources but also allows you to purchase a membership (Raz-Kids) to see the full collection. The books include audio recordings and can be followed up with a quiz to check for comprehension.


1. Keyboarding sites:

These free sites will assist students in learning how to keyboard, so they can be successful in future classes that will require keyboarding skills with papers and projects, such as Powerpoint presentations.

2. Book Builder:

This site allows students to build onto the stories they’re created for free. They can add visual and audio affects to bring their stories to life.

3. Smore:

The free site allows the user to create and share newsletters. The user has access to the picture library or can add photos from a personal computer, and the final product can be linked to social media at the click of a button.

4. Turnitin and Plagiarism:

This site provides the students with methods to verify if a source is credible, but also provides information about digital citizenship and plagiarism which will be extremely useful for high school and college. We started citing where our information was taken from for ELA: quote, page number, etc.

Social Studies

1. Museum Tours:*kivtOdnCAAYLPj4yomHerw

These sites are offering free tours. Have the students go on a tour, pick one animal, painting, or statue. Students can write down 3-5 facts and 2 questions about the object, and have a family discussion about it.

2. Revolutionary War Song: Dump It Off:

This free product is useful for students to review the information and facts taught about the Revolutionary War with a catchy tune. The video is engaging and assists with dates and facts that would otherwise be difficult to remember.

3. China Quest:

This free product is great for learning about international studies. Students will learn about China. It is set up for five days of activities with objectives, worksheets, hyperlinks, etc. for each day and final projects are included. The site is very easy to use for both student and teacher. Typically we teach this unit in the week leading up to Chinese New Year.


1. Exoplanet:

This free site allows students to view the exoplanets (planets which are orbiting stars beyond our solar system) and is being updated as they discover new items. This will correspond nicely with fifth grade standards.

2. Khan Academy:

The free site includes over 3,500 videos and plenty of resources available to assist with teaching Biology in the classroom.

3. YouTube videos about the Solar System

These free products are useful for students to learn the planets in our solar system with a catchy tune via videos. They are engaging and assist with explanations of how to calculate the distance between the stars and planets, a fifth grade standard.

4. BrainPOP:

This free site offers over 300 films to assist with topics, such as atoms, static electricity, robots, etc. for science and includes quizzes and games that correspond. It is standard aligned for K-12 for English, math, science, health, and technology.

5. Astronomy for Kids & Nine Planets

These free sites will allow students to explore what it’d be like on other planets and calculate distance between starts. There are plenty of space themes projects to choose from to assist with the 5th grade standards.

6. YouTube: Crash Course Kids is a main resource for my Science lessons

This is the link for the most up to date documents/applications & websites for the information above. Enjoy!