Nicotiana mutabilis

Previously, we had tried another kind of flowering tobacco, Nicotiana sylvestris. However, the very long white flowers were not of interest to the ruby throated hummingbirds. A hummingbird gardening friend gave us seeds for Nicotiana mutabilis which we grew for the first time in 2007. Wow.... what a tremendous hummingbird flower. When Nicotiana mutabilis was in its peak flowering, the hummers ignored all of our other flowers and were all over this plant. These plant became huge, easily attaining 6 feet in height. The flowers are lovely, starting as a pure white and changing to pale pink and then rose pink; thus, all of these colors are on this plant simultaneously. Our Nicotiana sylvestris readily reseeded from the previous year and Nicotiana mutabilis has also reseeded.

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