🛑 Our Next Meeting Sunday, April 21,  3:00 - 5:00 p.m. 

🌟 HUMANISM EXPLORATIONS🌟   is part of the Center For Inquiry , CFI Rogue Valley Humanists and Freethinkers and RVUUF.

 Location:   Rogue Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (under the balcony) *

87 Fourth Street,  Ashland, Oregon

Contact: HumanismExplorations   Roy Kindell  541-951-8035

Humanism Explorations Meeting March 17, 2024,  

3 to 5 P.M.

Artificial Intelligence: Promise or Peril? 

The capabilities of AI have grown rapidly in recent months.  We can now converse in human-like dialog with generative AI, as well request the  creation of  detailed images, video, music, imaginative stories or answers to complex logical or logistical  problems. 

Will powerful AI technologies aide in advancing human flourishing and well being or will it take our jobs, deliver fake news, as well as fake politics, gender and racially biased information or confabulated "facts"?  Could Artificial intelligence achieve or even surpass human level intelligence? We will explore these questions as well as the meaning of the new AI vocabulary.  

See below for discussion resource links:

Humanism Explorations Meeting February 18, 2024,  

3 to 5 P.M.

An Introduction To Humanism  Part 2

We will continue our discussion of Humanism and explore future discussion topics.  See below for resource links.

Many people are uncertain what is meant by the term "humanism".  Some may think of psychological or perhaps literary, cultural or renaissance humanism. Others consider humanitarian aid services while still others may dread a “godless” amoral humanism or even imagine a diabolical or pernicious humanism.  We will explore and clarify popular myths and misconceptions regarding secular humanism. 


What Is Humanism  - Fred Edwords,  American Humanist Association

Was Jesus a Humanist?  - Plain Speech with Philip Gulley

Humanism With A Capital H  - By Harvey Lebrun

Humanism - Wikipedia

Secular Humanism - Wikipedia

THE PHILOSOPHY OF HUMANISM  by Corliss Lamont - PDF  8th edition, 345 pages

What is a Humanism? - (2 1/2 min) Humanist Society Singapore

What Is Humanism?  (2 min) - Patheos

What is a Humanist? -  (1 1/2 min) Humanist Society Scotland 

Christian says humanists shouldn't have marriage rights. - (2 min) BBC's The Big Questions: Humanists UK

🔆 ➡️ Recent Past Programs  (Link)