January 2020

🌟 HUMANISM EXPLORATIONS🌟 is part of the Center For Inquiry , CFI Rogue Valley Humanists and Freethinkers and RVUUF.

Location: Rogue Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (under the balcony)

87 Fourth Street, Ashland, Oregon

Meetings are on the first and third Sundays of the month, 3 to 5 p.m.

Humanism Explorations Announcements for

Sunday January 19, 2020 3 to 5 P.M.

The Evolution of the U. S. Constitution and Presidential Power

We will review important factors that led to the formation of our Constitution in the pursuit of a strong central power for our protection from foreign enemies, regulation of affairs between the states while yet preserving individual liberty, responsibility and human rights.

This meeting will be in preparation for our meeting on February 2 when our guest, Wolf Hoppe, Professor of law, will speak on the subject of Presidential Impeachment under the US Constitution which will be followed by a question and answer period.

📌What does the U. S. Constitution mean by "Impeachment"? Is impeachment merely political? Does Impeachment require a crime be committed?

Sunday January 5, 2020 3 to 5 P.M.

Is impeachment a "Constitutional Crisis"? Why does it matter? These are some of the questions we explore in this session.